Sunday, September 20, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?


Petunia still going strong

Pot o' mums

Perfect maple leaf

Maple tree in Fall color

Heavenly Blue Morning Glories hasn't bloomed yet. Between the drought and now a frost warning, not sure if I'll see them this season.

Mums at the mailbox

Harvest decoration. I made the doll and Ma sewed all his clothes and found the straw hat

Petunias still growing

Some bunny loved the sunflower

A herd of young mourning doves. There were 6, but I was only able to capture 3 in the photo.

Welcome sign for September (and November)

Help me, Lord! Now what is he up to? He's got the tools out!

He bought a greenhouse kit.

I see you

sneaking over to the petunias. I might not be able to collect the seeds.

Some bunny, or chipmunk planted one of Reggie's morning glory seeds.

The goldenrod smells so beautiful

And is loved by the bees.

How does your garden grow?


  1. It's all looking good. Sorry the bunnies love your sunflowers so much Have a great week, Valerie

    1. Yeah, they could have at least waited until the flowers had passed.

  2. Bunnies are so cute, why do they have to be scourge of garden?

    1. I suppose they would say don’t plant such yummy flowers 🐰

  3. Aw, the bunnies deserve a 'ripe' sunflower for posing for you! ;)

  4. I had to laugh at how you explained your husband's project. Show us the greenhouse next week. I am curious!

    1. I’m not sure it will be any further along 😺

  5. I love that lone maple leaf :) Your door decorations are a great seasonal marker. I have a coupla pumpkins, but that's all. I need to get down my Autumn wreath already.

    I grow the wild sunflowers for fall color and for the birds. No bunnies here lol

  6. Here in the UK it's getting quite Autumnal.
    Lovely to see all of your photographs, your garden is looking good and I do like the harvest decoration.

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  7. wow a greenhouse kit - ..i would love one - your garden still shows summery plants and look at that fall leaf...

    1. The maple leaf was a perfect specimen. Gorgeous color and no blemishes. No bug nibbles

  8. Great pictures CJ! I love your mail box, with the planter! A+++
