Saturday, October 7, 2023

Happy, Little, Time Wasters


The Alphabet Explained


  1. My new friend is from former GDR - she sang the Russian alphabet to me on Friday!
    And yes, I was in Egypt and Greece. So interesting (and luckily ours is so easy. Chinese is art!)
    Thank you - this was really interesting!!!
    And voilà! LOL
    Poor E. And R!!! Cattle prod. I laugh my head off in astonishment!
    Interesting! Pogo stick, fun.
    Very, very well done.

    Keep these coming, please!!
    We say "Üpsylon". Or "... nah, can´t write it. OUI. Clever.
    My Brother is at the Zoo today :-)
    On to the lost ones - have a great day!

  2. This was really good! Thanks, Valerie

  3. I really enjoyed this time waster. And with the rain it's a good morning to watch it too. Have you seen the show Abstract on Netflix? Some of the episodes are good; some are ok, but there is one on creating fonts which is quite fascinating. If you have Netflix you might enjoy it. Stay dry!

    1. Thanks. I'll have to look it up. Sounds perfect for the rainy afternoon, today.

  4. Language is fascinating! (So is the evolution of dialects/accents.) I watch this guy a lot.

  5. I was enthralled by how our language works. Fascinating.
