Sunday, October 29, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Not in my garden, but too cool a photo op to miss. When Teague and I were looking for a restaurant called Beyond Full in Hopedale, we passed by this Demon on the lawn of the Unitarian Church!

Almost full moon

That's not schmoo on the window. Some warm weather days brought out the ladybugs.

Winterizing the greenhouse

Another ghostie for the display, but he still needs a face.

How does your garden grow?


  1. I spent that last 3 days doing all kinds of winterizing. My arms are sore. It's that time of year, isn't it? Stay warm, and dry for tomorrow.

  2. I enjoy seeing everybody's Halloween decorations :)

    1. Some are really elaborate displays to rival Christmas

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, and the poor things will get a shock later in the week when a cold front moves through

  4. Wonderful photos. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  5. Well since i've been under the weather the weeds are growing Freeze expected this week, an early one for this area... so soon i'll have frozen I saw some ladybugs when i was weed eating yesterday... so cute.. We used to get a big influx of them in Arkansas this time of year.. I would keep some of them alive by feeding them sugar water... i know i know.. weird.. Hugs! deb

  6. Lots of nice Halloween decorations! Valerie

  7. Nice to see the Halloween decorations.

    All the best Jan

  8. Enjoyed seeing the various Halloween decorations. I have been bringing my herbs inside for four days. Would have taken one day last month. Pain, pain, go away!

    Nice seeing the green house is getting winterized. I feel for your husband.

    1. Our last task will be to wrap the greenhouse with a tarp. That will probably be this weekend's project
