Friday, October 20, 2023

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. Himself made some ghost decorations and put them out with Halloween lights

2.  I had breakfast with Red at the new Little Coffee Bean Shop in town. I hadn't seen Red in a long time so it was good to catch up.

3. I had to have some routine bloodwork drawn. The phlebotomist was able to draw blood from me on the first stick!

4. Teague and I went out to breakfast.

5. I came home from my playday with Teague, and the  Eldest had made tacos for dinner.

How was your week?


  1. Love our spooky garden! Getting blood drawn is hard for me, my venes are ever cooperative! Enjoy your day!

    1. When I worked in a hospital laboratory, I was the test used for new phlebotomy hires. If they could draw blood from me, they would be able to go to ICU, CCU, and the Nursery. 😺

  2. I've had a good week too, but nothing is better than when the phlebotomist can get you with the first stick. And nothing is worse than when they need to jab you what seems like a million times. Happy Friday. Stay dry!

    1. If they can't get me on the first stick, I ask them to switch to a butterfly needle.

  3. Glad you had a good week! ( I totally get it about the phlebotomist....apparently I'm a 'hard stick' too. ☹️)

  4. Yay for a first stick. Regine

  5. Hmmmm, tacos!!! Lucky you!
    Here rather uneventful. Bro called, that was good.

  6. OOhh love this ghost sooooo much CJ ! would like to have it at home too. You have a great week, and I wish you a lovely weekend, and send big hugs

  7. I like the Halloween decorations.
    Good news re the blood test/ blood-work, they do say the better hydrated you are the easier to draw blood.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm not sure how hydrated I was as I fasted 12 hours before the blood test

  8. Is that ghost y'all's?! Wonderful! Congrats on the 0ne-time blood draw. Always worth celebrating. And now I must plan a taco night :)

    1. Yup, Himself saw an idea for a ghost made from a tomato cage, but he improved the idea

  9. I really like that ghost. Cute and clever.

    Glad you and Teague had a good breakfast the same as you and Red. I haven't eaten out in weeks and weeks.

    Not going to mention the blood. Queasy just thinking about it.
