Sunday, January 28, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Bird and tire tracks on the driveway

Little critter on the driveway

Someone going up the hill

Avalanche from the solar panels ready to fall

Bunny tracks

Snowy woods

A herd of mourning doves at the bird feeder, and the kitties missed the excitement.

Full Wolf Moon through the trees and fog

Full moon with halo

Rain, rain, and the snow went away

Bye-bye snow. Though more is on the way tonight. 😿

How does your garden grow?


  1. 42F here. I can happily report: My strawberries on the balcony have survived another winter! Mom collected them with me in the woods 1974. They are my treasure. Our family´s garden was full of them. A "gardening-friend" of my Brother took care and... threw them all out!!! So glad I rescued some!
    Your snow-pics look great, though!
    And the full moon with the halo, wow. I dreamed of a half moon tonight. Weird.

    1. I think you were in the Dreamtime as you prepare to travel to Oz

  2. Oh! The snowy woods look beautiful....from here.....LOL.

    1. I wish it was like in the song from Camelot. That it could only rain at night. It should only snow at night and then be gone by morning

  3. The woods look beautiful, and at least the road looks pretty clear. Love seeing the animal tracks.

    1. The animal tracks are fun to see who's up and about

  4. Nice photos! The snow here has gone, too, but we have frost each morning. Have a good, new week, Valerie

    1. We're getting more snow right now. I wish it was gone, too

  5. I do like the snowy woods photographs and great pictures of the wolf moon too.

    We have crocus and daffodils coming up!

    All the best Jan

    1. Crocus and daffodils. My eyes turned green. We won't see those until end of March beginning of April

  6. thecontemplativecat here. From tons of snow to bare grass must have been a load of fun to work through. For us, it usually meant slush and mud.

  7. Our snow is gone. It was followed by days of rain, which is also gone. I'm wondering if we'll get any more significant winter weather.
