Tuesday, January 23, 2024

T Stands for Christmas at the Wayside Inn - Part 2

Back to the Wayside Inn to looks at the Christmas decorations and antiques in the Inn's museum on the second floor.

Beautiful needlework bed curtains and a quilt

Christmas tree in the large function room

Decorated settle

another rustic wreath

framed cross-stitched Santa

chandelier in the main function room

Snow people for Divers and Sundry

Antique desk

Around the room memorabilia along with the history of the Inn when Henry T Ford owned the property. One story, he had started a school for boys during the Depression. One graduate from the Class of 1938 recounted how the first day he arrived, he was assigned to pick potato bugs from potato plants. He wasn't having any of that so he began walking down the Post Rd. He got a mile or so away and then thought about the foster family he would have to return to. He said he turned around and went back to the school and he was glad he did.

One surprising fact was the December 1955 fire which destroyed the 2nd floor of the Inn along with hundreds of thousand of dollars of antiques.

My drink reference, the pretty, little tea cup on the antique desk.

Celebrating 50 years of the Sudbury Garden Club decorating the Inn

The entry way from the front door

Tower of gifts. I liked the Christmas tree shadow on the wall.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. That's too bad about the fire. I didn't know that had happened. Those antiques are gorgeous, and I do like the simplicity of the holiday decorations. I hope you have a great T day CJ.

    1. I didn't know about the fire, either. So the whole top floor of the inn is relatively "new"

  2. Such a wonderful place to visit, the Christmas decorations are beautiful. I love that chandelier and the little house with the figures, thanks for sharing ❤️. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I think the decorated chandelier was my favorite

  3. So many different eras of furniture and decoration are represented in your photos. I like the old typewriter on the antique desk — maybe a century old. Henry Ford loved to collect antiques including entire buildings. He had many of them disassembled and rebuilt in Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI — including an entire inn similar to the one you visited. Neat photos.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. That's what Henry did at the Inn. Bought up properties. Started a school. There's a grist mill on the property and he made the operation more efficient. The mill is still in use today and grinds the grains used in the Inn's breads

  4. That is really a very attractive, old inn. And I love the antique desk, it would look good here, too! Happy T Day, Valerie

    1. I love the little writing desk. I'll see if the Inn will ship it to you. 😉

  5. Replies
    1. Well, you're not supposed to lose the Christmas Spirit once Christmas is over 😉

  6. So interesting and pretty CJ. Thank you for sharing all that.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  7. Thank you for the lovely tour. The fire! What a shame :( Even if there's money for it, some antique pieces are impossible to replace. Happy T Tuesday!

    1. I know and I think of the memories that those pieces held

  8. I certainly enjoyed this post. Seeing the antiques made my day. The best part was the tree made of boxes. Such a clever idea. But I also loved that old typewriter and the cute cup and saucer from that era. That blue and white oil lamp caught my eye, too. Thanks for sharing these beauties with us for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

  9. Beautiful bed curtains and I like the decorated chandelier. Happy belated T Tuesday.

    1. I’ll have to remember the chandelier for next year for my dining room - CJ

  10. Such a shame about the fire.

    I liked the Christmas decorations.

    All the best Jan

    1. At least they came back from some of the loss with an amazing reconstruction
