Sunday, January 21, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

First and last sighting of a bluebird.

A snowstorm that left us with 3 inches of snow followed by rain which turned everything into a sheet of ice.

The gnomes seem happy

and Erich doesn't seem to be bothered by the ice and snow.

I refilled the front and back bird feeders

Seems the ice is holding the greenhouse panels in place

Snowbirds foraging in the bushes under the window

caught Calli's attention. Isn't her little, snowball head so cute?

How does your garden grow?


  1. Oh, by golly! The other day I wanted to go to the city, Ingo said, no to that. Later in the news: Hospitals are full cause due to ice many broke arms and legs. Glad I have an Ingo!
    Calli is VERY cute. And nearly invisible with the outside! ;-)

  2. If the bluebird came once, they'll come back. Patience-right? I bet Callie would disappear outside. She has perfect camo. Good thing she isn't out though-especially with this cold. Stay warm.

    1. Yup, we wouldn't be able to find Calli in the snow.

  3. Ice on top of snow is awful, almost as bad as ice underneath snow. I hope it melts soon, and in the meantime, take care if you have to go out in it!

    1. We've been penguin walking when we have to go out

  4. Brrr! Glad it's only 46 degrees here.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. I see you definitely have winter in your yard. So glad we have three days of rain but no snow. I will always love a green house.

    1. We're in for a bit of a thaw later in the week

  6. Brrrr..... We have finally come out of our dry, cold deep freeze to warmer , wetter... Look to be this way for a week... We've been watching buzzards gather on communication poles and huddle together.. Grackles fly to and from the dump every day.. and even small groupings of Starlings.. Stay warm CJ! Hugs! deb

    1. Your warmer weather is moving up here later on this week.

  7. We got more snow than you! lol! I've been enjoying the pretty snow out my window :)

  8. Any sighting of a bluebird makes it a great day. Even this far north a few spend the winter here.

    1. This is only the 2nd time I have seen a bluebird so it was very exciting.

  9. Brr, it certainly looks cold.

    All the best Jan
