Tuesday, January 2, 2024

T Stands For First Footing


After 37 years of marriage, Himself finally consented to be the First Footer. (His excuse for not wanting to be a First Footer in previous years was because he was asleep before midnight on New Year's Eve and we'd wake him up just before midnight so he could ring in the New Year. What a pork pie furphy!)

Anyway. First Footing is a Scottish tradition. The First Footer, the first person to cross your threshold in the New Year, brings good luck to the household. The First Foot should be a tall, dark-haired man. Being blond or red-haired is considered bad luck and harks to the days of Viking raids when a blond or red-haired dude on your doorstep meant big trouble. Himself has more white than dark hair, but we called it good.

The First Footer also brings gifts of coal/wood, shortbread, salt, bread, and whiskey. The gifts can be symbolic. Since this First Footing was a bit spur of the moment, I put together a gift bag for Himself to carry. The gifts he presented to the household were a coin, a couple of packages of cookies, a can of soda, and a battery. The coin represented prosperity, the cookies and soda to ensure food in the larder, and the battery a sort of fuel to provide heat and light.

Himself's mother had told us long ago there was also a ritual that the First Footer had to be dressed properly. Coat, hat. I think gloves and a scarf.  Himself wasn't really keen on this idea, so he donned a coat and hat. After the clock struck midnight, he took his bag of gifts and went into the front porch. 

After midnight, the First Foot knocks on the door. Three knocks is traditional, but the First Foot can knock on the door any way they please. 

I thought Himself would tap out Shave and a Haircut, but he went the traditional route. While all of this was going on there was a lot of giggling and laughing.

I opened the door and Himself greeted us with "A Happy New Year and Good Tidings to you and yours”. He researched what he was to do and say from  First Footing Hogmanay traditions and customs for New Year’s Eve celebration in the UK

I invited Himself in and said, "Peace to all who enter. Wipe your feet!" which was a line from the movie The Quiet Man. Yeah, it's about an Irish-American in Ireland. Ireland. Scotland. Tomato. Tomahto 😉
He gave his gifts to us and explained what they were for. 

I was required to offer the First Foot a libation. It's a faux pas if a beverage isn't offered and even more rude if the First Foot refuses the drink. Himself was offered a glass of Sparkling cider. Himself, the Eldest, and I toasted the New Year and then headed to bed.

Meanwhile. Quill was not happy that his bedtime routine had been upset because of the holiday. Normally, Quill and I head to bed around 10 PM. At some point during our festivities, Quill had gone to the bedroom and barfed on the floor by Himself's side of the bed and then unceremoniously barfed on my blanket.

With beginning the New Year by having to clean up cat yak, the year can only go uphill. Always look on the bright side of life.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. Oh no, Tim Tams!!! Waaaay too sweet for even Ingo!
    (We got them from Aussie friends).
    Isn´t it unfair - or a good excuse then, to have blonde/red hair? Do beards count if there is no hair on the head my Brother)?
    Sounds like fun, apart from the barfing...
    Thank you. Now I have that song in my ear....
    Anyways ;-) Happy T-Day!

    1. I'll have to ask Tiggy, my friend from Scotland, if there are other rules like beards or do short, dark-haired women bring good luck, too? Yeah, I've been humming that song, too. 😺

  2. That's a fun tradition, and I'm glad your husband could do it. It wouldn't work with mine because even though is now grey, he was blonde. Me too. My daughter too. It's all that Viking we are-smile. Have a great T day and thanks for interesting post. I enjoyed reading it.

  3. I sure hope the cat yak isn't a sign of things to come this year!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. I'm looking on the bright side. The only way is up

  4. Cuuuttee... lol What a cute story.. This year hubby and i stayed up till 2am watching a movie.. At midnight I played 'Auld Lang Syne and we had a kiss... :) Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  5. What if the first footer has gray hair? Have the very best 2024.

  6. Such a great and fun tradition to uphold 😊. Happy T Tuesday and wishing you all the best for 2024! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Interesting tradition had not heard of this before but enjoyed learning about it
    Happy New Year and Happy T

  8. I've never heard of this tradition. What fun! Happy T Tuesday

  9. Well, this was a memorable First Footing. Poor Quill was evidently devastated! I just went to bed and read most of the night as usual! Valerie

  10. I've just been reading Elle's (Empire of the cat) story about this tradition. Sounds like fun. I smiled when you said 'wipe your feet'!
    Not a good start to the new year with all that barfing. But as you say, it can only get better!
    Happy T-Day and Happy New Year,

  11. 984 PAWZ UP on de cat yakz !!! YAY !!! we hope 2024 iza pawsum awesum yeer for ewe all and each and everee day bringz sum thin grate yur way !! ♥♥♥

  12. I had just read about this tradition on Elle's blog, so funny to read it here again (funny in a good way, not weird). It's so nice that you keep these traditions. Happy New Year to you - Carola

    1. Hopefully, it will become a tradition. This was the first year

  13. LOL, only a feline can put their own stamp on something they disagree with!

  14. I had never heard of First Footer before, but like others, I just came from Elle's blog and read about the superstitions. I learned a lot reading this post and enjoyed learning this tradition. I like how you added the Tim Tams, the Italian treats, the battery, and the quarter. Loved that you had two drinks to choose from, too. Thanks for teaching us about First Footer and sharing your drinks with us for T this Tuesday.

  15. Enjoyed reading this interesting Scottish tradition. Your husband was a real trooper for participating. Like your optimism too. Cheers to a brighter 2024!

  16. I can't see the comment I left so I'm here again! Love how your first footing went. I only remember that a neighbour used to come round to our house to first foot. Happy New Year an belated Happy T, Chrisx

  17. I'm so late, but I see that we both had the first footing in our posts as you mentioned. The other tradition about whatever happens at midnight being what happens all year I hope doesn't apply to the cat vomit but as we all know, it probably will haha. Poor Quill, too much NY cheer eh? My Mum wouldn't let me in the house on hogmanay without a lump of coal lol Sorry for my lateness, it was a crazy week Happy New Year and Happy T Day! Elle xx
