Tuesday, February 13, 2024

T Stands For The Rodent Lied

The Groundhog didn't see his shadow so we were supposed to have an early Spring. The weather dudes also lied. The Nor'easter that had been hyped all weekend as bring 8 - 12 inches of snow in my area, and caused nearly all the school systems across the state to close, was downgraded late Monday night. Snow totals to 3 to 6 inches. Though it was hard to tell on the weather map, we might be on the 1 to 3 inches of snow line. 

It's a good day to stay inside and

to sip a cup of tea.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. I don't think he lied. The saying goes, 6 more weeks of winter or spring is just around the corner. But what does just around the corner mean? A day, a week, a month? The rodent is a scam would be more of a good title to me. Hee-hee. I hope you don't get a lot and have a happy T day CJ.

  2. The Pennsylvania groundhog performs worse than a coin toss. There’s something wrong with using the weather in early Feb. to predict spring. Where we live (Michigan) winter never ends in February, though sometimes there’s a momentary respite. I think it’s the same with you.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Yup. Spring here can be a lot like Winter. Cold, wet, just not as much snow

  3. I can hear the annoyance at the rodent from here :)

    1. I’m glad you didn’t hear some of the other words I said 🤬 - CJ

  4. Enjoy looking at your snow, I will enjoy looking at it from afar lol. Do the kitties like the snow or not? Miss P will go out of her way to avoid walking on it if at all possible, she's really not keen. Happy T Day! Elle xx

    1. the kitties do not go outside any further than the sunroom. We live on a main road. I learned my lesson after calling Mitty in one night and he got hit by a car. He always came from the woods out back so I got lulled into a false sense of security that he never crossed the road. Because of Mitty getting hit by a car, the decision was made to have indoor kitties

    2. ah so sorry to hear about Mitty. Two of mine are indoor for the same reasons, but Miss P was feral and demands to be outside. As she gets older though she spends less time outside and more time napping, especially in the winter. I used to live out in the country far away from roads, and my three cats then roamed about all day very safe, but then we moved here and they didn't want to go out - too much noise, traffic, people etc. They just weren't used to it. These kittens I have now have health issues and aren't allowed to eat plants so they have to stay inside.

  5. Here on the Oregon coast we get a bit of warm weather in Feb., the all winter hell breaks loose. April is the freezing month for us. Stay warm and have a nice day.

    1. It turned out to be a nice day despite the snow - CJ

  6. The 'chicken little' approach to weather forecasting. They do it here too.

    1. I think the weather dudes get kick backs from the grocery stores because as the storm is hyped we all run to the store for bread, milk, etc. - CJ

  7. calli and quill, never trust a ground hog ore a squirrelz for that matter, and due knot for get two give up bass turd turkee burd for lent 😼😺‼️💙🐟

    1. We like turkey and chicken - CJ

  8. We don't have much change of weather here in Northern CA. Winters tend to be a bit wetter and summers (here by the coast) a bit warmer. Little variation actually.

  9. Love these pics of kitty, even with the white stuff on the ground;)

  10. Sorry I'm late visiting. I had to take Squiggles to the vet and we were there forever.

    I like what Mae said about performing worse than a coin toss. I agree and I also think it's a bunch of hype in order to to dislodge people who visit Punxsutawney to see Phil from their money. Both fur babies seem interested in your tea. Thanks for sharing it and them with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. The kitties took a quick sniff around the cup and quickly walked away.

  11. I'd love some of that snow here. Happy T Day!

  12. Have a great day, whatever the weather. No snow here - yet! Lots of love to you on Valentine's Day, hugs, Valerie

  13. We got about 4 inches here. Enough to make it miserable to drive because PENNDOT could not treat the roads beforehand due to all the rain we had before it turned into snow. WINTER GO AWAY!! UGH!

    Love seeing the kitty pics!!

  14. We don't have Groundhog predictions but it sounds like a bit of good fun to me, not to be taken too seriously.
    Happy T-Day,
