Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday Mornings at the Library

 When I was 5 years old, I was forced to take dancing lessons while the Brother was forced to take accordion lessons. I hated dancing class. The Knights of Columbus Hall where the classes were given had no heat or it wasn't turned on. I hated wearing the pink beginner tights. I liked clacking around in the tap shoes, but Ma wouldn't let me practice inside the house on the wood floors. I spent most of my time in class being miserable and crying. Eventually, I was taken out of class.

While the Brother still had to endure accordion lessons, Dad took me to the library. He would leave me upstairs in the children's library where I could look at the books and choose to take some books home with my own library card. As I got older, I would go downstairs to the adult library and wander among the stacks enjoying the scent of the books before going to find Dad in the reference area consulting the law books and catching up on his work.

So for the next several weeks, a list of my favorite books, some I have read as a child, others as an adult and some  I have read more than once.

This week, Watership Down by Richard Adams. From Goodreads: Set in England's Downs, a once idyllic rural landscape, this stirring tale of adventure, courage and survival follows a band of very special creatures on their flight from the intrusion of man and the certain destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of friends, they journey forth from their native Sandleford Warren through the harrowing trials posed by predators and adversaries, to a mysterious promised land and a more perfect society.

If you haven't read this book, you can find it at your public library or favorite bookstore.


  1. I've never heard of this, but it sounds like something I might enjoy.

    1. It was popular when it first came out in the early 1970s. I first read it when I was in college

  2. I loved this book also. And funny you should mention it as I have been thinking about rereading it. I found my original copy in the attic while putting xmas decorations away. I wonder how it will stand up to a reread 40 or so years later. Happy Saturday. We have sunshine right now. Do you?

    1. I think the story will hold up well and the themes may be just as true now. The sun just went in and the sky has turned dark. It will be raining soon.

  3. I tried when it first came out, couldn't get into it. :-/

  4. Loved this book and the film! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  5. I haven't read the book but I still have it in my book collection from a few years back when I got it at a thrifty bookstore.
