Thursday, November 17, 2022

Problems Leaving Comments on Blogger


So many people seem to be having issues leaving comments on Blogger blog posts. Mr. Spock is helping me research the problem.

From my own experience, if I am leaving a long comment, I copy it before I click publish. If I get the error that the comment didn't go through, I find it will clear if I close the browser, open it again, go back to the blog, paste the comment, and publish.

Some suggestions that we found:

Blogger uses third-party cookies so you can comment from your Google Account. If third-party cookies are disabled on your browser, you may not be able to comment on blog posts while you're signed in. You can still comment anonymously, or with a name and URL.

Try clearing Cache and Cookies.

Try a different browser

Try using Incognito Mode in Chrome (other browsers will have different names for it. Microsoft Edge calls it New InPrivate Window. This setting can be found by clicking on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of your browser, where you are signed in to Google )

Change your comment location from embedded to pop-up

Embedded comments are the only kind with threading. Unfortunately, they require third-party cookies to work.
Many users block third-party cookies for security reasons. Safari blocks them by default. They can be unblocked, but some readers (1) don't know how or can't be bothered, and others (2) might legitimately chose not to.
So, there is no perfect solution, and bloggers like us are stuck with an imperfect choice.

These suggestions were found in Blogger Community Help


  1. Yes, I always save my comments, too, in fact i write them in the little MS-editor, as many blogs suddenly mid-commenting refresh.
    Some I can come back later and it works.
    Never change a running system, huh... Sad they did!

    1. Yup, Blogger broke the if it works, don't fix it rule

  2. Good advice. If I can't comment with my name I switch to anonymous, that has worked up till now! Valerie

    1. I have to use anonymous if I'm commenting while using the iPad

  3. Tez mi się to trafiło. Sa również blogi, które przed zamieszczeniem komentarza proszą o jakieś zalogowanie. Omijam je szerokim łukiem :)

    1. Translation from Polish to English: This just happened to me. There are also blogs that ask you to log in before posting a comment. I steer clear of them :)

    2. You have to do what's right for you

  4. The perils of a free-use platform-- there are always trade offs. Good advice CJ

  5. Thanks for all that research work CJ. Knock on wood i haven't had any trouble leaving comments that i know of. Hugs! deb

  6. Over the years, the frustration became too much. Now if I have trouble I go straight to surrender and skip leaving a comment. I figure what I have to say isn't all that scintillating anyway! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Interesting - Thanx For The Research - Damn You Third Parties

    Big Hugs CJ,

  8. Thank you. Regine

  9. I see Firefox isn't mentioned, which is the only browser on my computer. Could be why I'm having so may problems. I've tried reentering as you did, but I still got a failed to publish comment. Thanks for the research and the fact I now know I'm not alone.

    1. You are not alone as it seems to be a common problem

  10. It seems blogger does like to cause glitches and problems.
    The other thing is to keep checking your spam folder as so many comments disappear into it when clearly they are not spam.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, and checking the spam and everything is all clear, but then finding spam from a month ago! So weird
