Monday, July 3, 2023

Another Postal Increase


Sail on over to your local post office to stock up on stamps. The USPS has announced another postage rate increase on 9. July 2023. 

Stamps for a 1 oz. letter will increase from 63 cents to 66 cents. Postcard stamps (domestic) will increase from 48 cents to 51 cents.


  1. Our rates get more and more expensive, too. And here you always have to pay the current rate, stocking up on stamps doesn't help!

    1. That was the same way here, but several years ago the post office instituted the Forever stamp. It was cheaper to print "Forever" on the stamp rather than the monetary value. Any Forever stamps you have after the rate increase, will be scanned at the new value. It saves the PO from having to print tons of penny stamps to make up the difference in the rates

    2. That's a great idea, I wish they would implement it here. Thanks for the info!

  2. The hubby told me this yesterday. These prices are going up faster than you can keep track of. :) Hope your rain ends. It's pouring like the Dickens here.

    1. The last increase was a year ago. It was clearing a little while ago. Looks like some fog has moved in. Stay dry!

  3. Another price increase.....raise your hand if you're surprised.....🙃

  4. So it´s not only Germany...
    But then... is there something where prices do not rise?

  5. Goodness. I should get some extra stamps, but I was planning on using old ones. Makes my ATC exchange even more expensive than I considered before. I can only imagine Intl rates and what they will increase.
