Monday, July 31, 2023

Happy Mail

My friend, Frau, a German teacher always sends me a postcard when she takes her students on a trip to Germany.

Since people love to see the stamps, the back of the postcard. Frau owns German Shepherd dogs so I used one to cover her real name.  

Frau had mentioned she might be taking a group of adults to Germany in the next year or two, if there's interest. My hand is raised.

Vielen Dank für die Postkarte.

All the way from Trout Towne, the Tabbies and the FSG (Food Service Girl) sent an adorable card. I love the kitty on the return address label.

Inside, a fun, colorful hand-lettered, birthday greeting and a note from the Tabbies, Daisy and Makerull. Mac, those gel pens take a little bit of time to dry. You need to be patient before you walk across the note.

FSG also colored an awesome lighthouse, my fantasy studio. Thanks FSG and Tabbies, you brightened my day.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I hope she can arrange it and I hope I have the time and $$ to go

  2. I hope that one day I can see the Lake Constance = Bodensee from the German postcard with my own eyes. I get to many places in the world, but I've never been to Lake Constance, which is only a few hundred kilometers away... Nice postcards, and the lighthouse is awesome!
    All the best

  3. Very cute happy mail! Glad you didn´t come this summer here. It´s like Autumn already.

    1. Which means maybe it will get hot for you at the end of this month

  4. Wonderful post, love the cards you got! A trip to Germany would be great, hope it works out! Have a reat day!

  5. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to go to Germany! (Think of all the awesome blog posts you'll get!)

  6. Nice happy mail CJ. It's fun to get postcards from places, and that's a cool lighthouse in your birthday card. Hope you enjoyed this beautiful day. hugs-Erika

  7. My hand is up, too. Sounds like a dream trip to me.

    OMGoodness. What happy mail. LOVED the mail from the tabbies and the FSG has some killer skills when it comes to creating a fantasy studio out of that lighthouse for you. Beautiful drawing and coloring.

    1. It's always a fun surprise to receive things from the FSG and the Tabbies
