Sunday, July 23, 2023

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Zucchini bread, zucchini chips, sauteed zucchini, grilled zucchini, Zoodles (which do not even come close to pasta), fried zucchini...

Tiny tomatoes

The clematis has passed but I like the remants

Somebunny or chippie only took ONE bite of the mini eggplant.

Somebunny tore the plant right out of the pot

With the tropical weather we have been having, we now have a rain forest.

Himself says Erich is holding Moss Roses. I think they look like Cosmos

The petunias are enjoying the heat

And the morning glory bloomed out of a pot.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Well the bunnies are giving you a rough time !!! CJ i received your lovely postcard.Thank you so much! And your right its still terribly HOT here and no rain in sight! I could use some of that refreshing water on the Post Card! Hugs! deb Pssst.... if you cut off or pinch off those bloom stalks on the Coleus they will last longer and stop them from going to seed... :)

  2. WOW! Your garden is looking GREAT! (Have you tried stuffed zucchini? There are a zillion different ways to make it but all of them are yummy! Just Google!)

  3. It's so exciting to see the veggies forming, isn't it? The plants sure love the wet and humid weather we were having. Too bad the eggplant got chomped on. I can't wait to pick zucchini. You sound excited, as you should be. Enjoy this beautiful day.

    1. Looks like another hot and steamy week ahead

  4. Your garden is doing well, and you even have veggies,
    too! Happy Sunday, Valerie

  5. You can never have too much Zucchini ... it's so versatile and low carb :)

    All the best Jan

    1. It's going into your Colorful Ratatouille recipe tonight

  6. Welcome to my world. Somebunny, squirrel, or racoon ate a bite out of several bell peppers. Another uprooted my borage, but I got to it in time, and got it back in the ground. and I have a possum that loves to eat out of my compost pile. You and I are feeding the wild ones in our gardens.

    1. Even the wild ones deserve to eat. I just wish they would eat one whole thing instead of taking one bite out of a lot of things!
