Thursday, September 21, 2023

Enders Journal - Monday 09/18


Rather than bringing a journal and a bunch of art supplies, (which would take up extra luggage room) I thought I would keep a digital journal using the app, Concepts.

Since I'm an early riser, I have time to work before breakfast using the iPad and the iPencil.

Monday it poured and poured and poured. Usually, I go out to my little beach just after sunrise, but it was raining too hard.

On the first day of class after Mass has finished, the priest blesses the hands of those participating in the Sacred Art Class(es). Since it was a Noah's ark kind of day, I didn't  feel like waiting outside the church door, peeking through the crack to see when Mass finished so I could have my hands blessed. It's nice, but I've had that done 4 times before. I doubt the blessing expires or wear off. So I just went to the art studio.

One of my classmates didn't want me to miss the experience. She must have wiped her oil blessed hands on a paper towel and brought the paper towel to me so my hands could be blessed, too. Such a kind gesture.

Monday was an intense work day. We gilded a small dove and the gilding on a hummingbird which had acanthus leaves encircling it. Painting the leaves would happen on Tuesday.


  1. Replies
    1. Monday was the only bad weather day. The rest of the week has been beautiful

  2. Respect, I could never do art that way!

  3. Glad your blessing was brought to you, that was nice! Here it rained and rained, awful, and I had to walk through the rain to an appointment..... Valerie

  4. Sorry to hear you had so much rain, but I like your journal. And the way you're keeping it too.

    1. It's fun for travelling, but I need to take a tutorial on all the different tools.

  5. What a clever idea to keep art supplies to a minimum. Nice one of the ladies shared her paper towel with blessed oil. Enjoy the rest of your week, dear CJ.

    1. She was a new friend in class and such a thoughtful gesture

  6. Good idea about the journal. What a thoughtful gesture by your friend. I'm picturing the rainy beach. I have a postcard of a rainy beach. Such atmosphere!

    1. This was the tail end of Hurricane Lee so the rain was very heavy.
