Friday, September 15, 2023

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Had a lovely lunch with the Himself's teaching assistant. We went to La Cantina to see the kitty robots.

2. Errands, lunch at Cracker Barrel, and a haircut

3. Enjoyed part 1 of Kathy Milici's Modern Ornamental Initials class
4. Play date with Teague over Skype

5. Met the cutest little girl at Open House. She told me she was 6 3/4 years old.

How was your week?


  1. Ah yes, those days when you wanted to add every single day to your age to seem more 'sophisticated'! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. I think I'm going to announce to people that I'm 68 3/4 years old when the time comes 🤣

  2. Good Morning CJ!
    ~ STILL on cloud 9 about the sinking that
    ~ Well a weeks worth of rain forecasted turned into just one day of rain on Monday. Today is Friday and all the other rain has gone around us. STILL very thankful for that one day and cooler temps!
    ~ Its looking more and more likely that daughter/son in law/granddaughters are moving to TX
    ~ Making great progress on some projects in craftroom!
    ~No cooking today as i made chilli in the crockpot yesterday!

    Kids are so cute! 6 and 3/4ths lol Have a wonderful weekend CJ! Hugs! deb

    1. You should be insufferably pleased with yourself for sinking that putt. After all, you won the tournament

  3. It's been a good week here, but I'd love to have some of your eating out days :)

  4. You are SO lucky to eat out as much as you do. I went to the Autumn Art juried show yesterday and didn't even stop to get a bite to eat. In fact, I didn't even take any money with me.

    1. I look for any excuse not to cook!

  5. The kitty robots look fun.

    All the best Jan

  6. Sounds like a good week. - Anne (Cornucopia)
