Friday, April 3, 2020

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. Himself's Brother called to tell him that the Massachusetts State Department of Treasury Unclaimed Property Division had money listed for Himself. $18. Himself checked my name and came up with my mother's name. There's an outstanding $10 to her.

2. Enjoyed a Mary on the Prairie Day baking bread, making elderberry syrup, and pizza dough.

3. Work began on preparing the site for the new mailbox. Still waiting for the granite post, but the masonry supply is closed.

4. While my Spring classes at the museum have been cancelled due to the Coronavirus, at least my lesson plans are done for the Summer classes.

5. Enjoyed a virtual lunch with the  Moms Breakfast Club members.

How was your week?


  1. Sounds like a good week. Getting cash back is always better than bills. I got a refund of nearly 40€ from the electricity company, so I've put it by side to go out for a meal with Nathalie when 'Corrina' is over. Valerie

    1. That will be nice and something to look forward to. And the rest of us can virtually be with you when you post your outing on a T Day. Win. Win. 😺

  2. Surreal, it's all being very surreal. And Son1 keeps yelling at me if/when we go out to the store! LOL

    1. Because of health issue with Himself and the Young One, I've been doing shopping online, and we only go out if absolutely necessary.

  3. It'll be exciting to see your new mailbox standing firm against all comers!

    A virtual lunch sounds like fun :)

    1. It will be nice not to have to run to the post office once or twice a week 😊 Whenever that will be

  4. Your week is so much better than mine. Looks like at some point, you will finally get your mailbox permanently fixed. Sometime, anyway.

    I was so happy to read about your daughter. It's great she can work from home and helps you feel better she's in isolation, too.

    I am NOT a hoarder. I just have a well stocked pantry. I am not going out until this scare is over. Completely over. I was so happy I bought all that TP before Thanksgiving, when I wanted to use it for decoration on my two plungers (one for each bath). Now I'm thinking like Valerie and counting squares (grin). Actually, I'm going through more litter than I anticipated. That may be what I run out of, not food (staples).

    1. She is home, but gave her notice to the call center. She is waiting to start her new job as a lab technician. While I'm happy she has a job that pays well and one she loves to do, my anxiety level went up as she will be working in a hospital laboratory.

    2. THAT I never considered. Hope they give her PPEs.

  5. Thanks for sharing your good week, CJ. We have had a quiet, but healthy week - so thankful for that.

  6. A good week! Here we've got snow today. Boo! But we're all well, so Yay! Working on press materials for the new book launch today. :)

    1. I saw pictures of the snow! Couldn't hear what you were saying in the background. I would have said 🤬or words to that effect. Congrats on the new book launch!'

  7. You had nice week I think. I've been making bread and baking myself. In between classes. Well,it is not boring. How is your husband's online teaching going? How does he do labs? Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. He found a site that offers simulations so he's using that.

  8. What a great week! I love the idea of the virtual lunch and it's nice surprise about the money too 😊. Wishing you a happy weekend! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

    1. The virtual lunch was fun. You'll hear about it on T Day 😊

  9. Sounds a good week :)

    All the best Jan

  10. Good week for you. It appears you don't have close neighbors.

    1. I live in a rural, small town. Houses are a good distance apart so that wells and septic systems don't interfere with one another.

  11. Still working but that is okay - my company takes every precaution to protect us and others and we were also given masks to wear outside of work as well. Take care!!

    1. Good that you're still working with so many people out of work. I'm glad to hear your company is looking out for you.

  12. Cool about the money! You've been busy cooking! Yummy! Hurray! A new mailbox! Big Hugs!

    1. A new platform where the mailbox will go. The masonry supply where we ordered a granite post is closed. No idea when they will reopen
