Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wordy Wednesday


  1. Good one. My brain feels like it's filled with italics just now! Valerie

  2. I love this-when I was young living at home we all looked forward to the comics family circus was a favorite

  3. Hee-hee. This articular cartoon always reminds me of my mom as she loved it and would share it with us each day when she read the Telegram. Well before getting sick she still read the Telegram but I don't think she remembered all that much of it. Stay safe. It's a tough week for MA and hopefully we stay healthy since it is time for all those folk from MA to com open their summer homes. But I digress. Great cartoon and hope you have a healthy and great Wednesday.

  4. I never thought of printing in this way! ♥♥♥

  5. Funny. It's actually ironic how similar that kid looks like a young Trump. It's more than likely the hair.
