Monday, March 15, 2021

Seed Lending Library

 While reading about the happenings in my little town, I came across an item, I thought would interest Himself. Besides books, DVDs, and other things you can borrow from the library, there was also a notice for garden seeds along with a list of seeds available. Seeds? At the library? 

Himself filled out the online form and then found you had to have a valid library card. My library card was expired. Who knew library cards expired? I thought they were good forever.

Either calling the library or e-mailing the library, Himself was able to enter the information for both of us to get new library cards. All we would have to do was show our license when we went to pick up the seeds. 

The library is tiny, located in the basement of the town hall and is currently closed due to the pandemic. So the library staff offers curbside pick up. They also offer delivery to your home, if you can't get to the library.

Himself was told we just had to knock on the door, the librarian would come out and check our licenses.

I remember in the olden days, when we first moved to town 35 years ago, to borrow books from the library, we didn't even need a library card. All we had to do was give the last 4 digits of our telephone number! No card just the phone number!

Oh, and back then if we wanted to make a telephone call to someone in town all we had to do was dial the last digit of the exchange and the 4 digit phone number! If I wanted Prissy to put the kettle on for tea, I could pick up the phone and dial 55945 and get Prissy! The joys of living in a very small town, but I digress.

We got to the library, showed our licenses and the librarian had a brown bag on the table outside the front door for Himself.

It was rather exciting. What was in the bag?

Library cards. One for a wallet and one to  hang on a key chain and envelopes with a few seeds in them.
A perennial mix, Dahlia, Crimson Morning Glory, Snow Pea, Bush Beans, Bells of Ireland. Did I mention the seeds were free?

If we have success with the seeds and are able to harvest the seeds, we give the seeds back to the library for others to enjoy next season. 

Does your library offer a seed library?


  1. I have never heard of this but what a great idea. I don't know if they do that in my town or not. Good for you to get some seeds from the library. And like you, I didn't think library cards expired. I think I need to check mine. Happy new week.

    1. Maybe you could suggest the seed exchange to the librarian

  2. I think library cards expire to force us to give them current contact information. At least that's why our library system does it.

    I'm unaware if our library has this service. It's such a cool idea!

  3. That is wicked cool (I'll let myself out.....) ;)

  4. That's a great idea! I haven't seen that here, but I don't think I ever really looked. I can go home tomorrow! Valerie

    1. That is really good news about you going home tomorrow!

  5. This is so cool CJ! I have to check my library!! Take pictures, if the seeds work for you!

    1. Will do! You'll see them on the Sunday garden updates

  6. I Literally Have No Idea If My Library Participates - And Speaking Of Old Phone Numbers - Able To Recall Very Few BUT The One I Will Never Forget Is My Grandparents Because Nothing Cost 50 Dollars - (916) 832 - 4995


  7. I also didn't think library cards expire. I still have one I was issued in High School in my home town. I wonder if it's still valid.

    I've never heard of the FREE seeds. You know I'm all about free, so I would know if they offered this service in my town. I think my libraries are finally opening again, but I'm not sure I'm ready to wander through the stacks just yet.

    1. I think the free seeds is a great idea. Gives people a chance to try different plants and then to share the seeds back.

  8. Does your library offer a seed library?
    I don't think so but I will check when things get a little more 'normal'

    All the best Jan

    1. If they don't, maybe you could suggest it as a program they could offer
