Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 From Sunday, May 13,2012

The Brother was fond of reciting this ditty for Mother's Day:

When me prayers were poorly said,
Who tucked me in me widdle bed,
And spanked me till me bum was red?
Me Mudder.

Who took me from me cozy cot,
And put me on me ice cold pot,
And made me pee when I could not?
Me Mudder.

And when the morning light would come,
And in me crib me dribble some,
Who wiped me tiny widdle bum?
Me Mudder.

Who would me hair so gently part,
And hug me gently to her heart
And sometimes squeezed me til me fart?
Me Mudder.

Who looked at me with eyebrows knit,
And nearly had a king size fit,
When in me Sunday pants me sh*t?
Me Mudder.

When at night the bed did squeak,
Me raised me head to have a peek,
Who yelled at me to go to sleep?
Me Fadder.

Happy Mother's Day


  1. LOL - a GREAT one!!!! Happy Mother´s Day to you!

  2. Replies
    1. Yup, the Brother was quite entertaining. 😺

  3. Replies
    1. I have no idea where the Brother got it, but it was his signature recital

  4. I hope you had a fabulous mother's day CJ.

    1. A little art, take-out food, brownies, a nap, greetings from loved ones, yup, a fabulous day

  5. Happy Mother's Day, CJ! I hope you had a great one, my friend. :-D

  6. LOL
    Belated Happy Mothers Day Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a fun poem. Happy belated Mother's Day and thanks for changing to pop-up comments.
