Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Whatcha Doin?


I need to return the Apple HDMI connector. I purchased one with a USB-C end and I need one like the picture with the Lightning connector for my iPad.

Then I need to research if I need a special app to cast or mirror what's on the iPad to the monitor in the studio my class is in at the museum. I hope to be able to use the drawing app Procreate to demonstrate calligraphy.

Whatcha doin?


  1. There should be a more universal cord, but maybe one day. I'm just tired of the big collection for this that, that and everything that seems to need a cord. I have a USB style plug I put into the TV to cast from my Chromebook to the TV. I'm not sure that the same on an Apple product, but there might be something in your settings. I'm trying to remember what I used at school, and you can tell I've moved on because nothing is coming to me. If I can think of it, I'll let you know.

  2. I do wish Apple had standard connectors for all their gizmos. I hope you find what you need.

  3. You are so high tech CJ! You go girl!! :) Hugs! deb

  4. Ain't technology fun????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. Grocery trip today. Maybe laundry later. We had a pair of chickadees at the sunflower chip feeder this morning 👍

    1. I've been hearing the chickadees, but haven't seen them since the snow melted

  6. I hate that we cannot have but one cable - I have three different ones, gack!
    First day this month I only worked 8 hours, but was too groggy to do any sports.... So... watching GRIMM instead only.

  7. You are heads above me when it comes to technology.

    1. Just an old dinosaur that likes to learn new tricks

  8. Nearly every word you said after "I need" was like speaking a foreign language to me. I hope all those words made sense to everyone else (grin).
