Thursday, May 2, 2024

Second on the Second

From October 22, 2015 a Throwback Thursday

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time at this house. My mother's sister and her family lived here. When I was little, my grandma lived here, too. The door used to be the same brick red color.

Because Ma worked, Auntie was like another mother. During school vacations, we would ride the Green Line (subway) with Dad. We would get off the subway at Government Center (formerly Scollay Square). Dad would go to his office in Boston, and The Brother and I (or I would go by myself when I was 9 or 10) would go down the subway stairs to the Blue Line to catch a train to Maverick Square in East Boston.

Even though the Airport Station was closer (Auntie's house was one street away from Logan Airport), we were cautioned to get off at Maverick Square.  We were always told Airport Station was not safe. I suspect it was like we were told there were hobos in the woods. Maverick Square was safer as we could just walk straight down Chelsea St.  No turns and no crossing busy streets.

The door opened into a porch. On the left and up 3 steps was the door to Auntie's house. On the right, was the door that led to the two apartments upstairs. Auntie's husband grew up in this house. His sister and her husband  lived on the second floor. Uncle's mother and a mentally handicapped brother lived on the top floor. When I was little, I called Uncle's mother "The Grandma Who Lived Upstairs". I just remember a tiny, old woman with white hair. She always wore a dark colored dress and a black sweater draped across her shoulders. When The Grandma Who Lived Upstairs passed away, Uncle Peter lived with his sister on the second floor and the top floor apartment was rented out.

We'd knock on the door and waited to hear Auntie coming down the hallway. I can still hear her calling out "Who is it? I always yelled "It's ME!" and she'd reply "Who's me?" before she opened the door.

One thing I didn't like about Auntie's house was the "Buckhowsah", the bathroom, as my grandma called it. The bathroom was at the end of the long, dark hallway, before entering the main house. The bathroom wasn't heated and during the Winter, you could freeze to the seat if you weren't careful.

If the weather was nice, we'd get to play outside with The Cousins.  Take turns riding bikes or roller skating on the sidewalk, playing hopscotch, or marbles using the sewer cover as the playing field. We might get a chance to run errands. Go to the end of the block to Anna's the fruit and vegetable lady, cross the busy street at the light to go to Guy's, the neighborhood grocery store. When I was a teen, we'd go to the barber to get our hair cut by the cute barber.

Summertime, was the best time to be there. Men with trucks would come down the street selling fruit. They'd yell, "Ey waddamalone!" And then there was the man who wheeled a refrigerated pushcart. He sold Slush, a frozen lemonade which he piled into a small, pleated paper cup. On a hot Summer day, it was Heaven in the palm of your hand and all for a nickel.

When I turned 10, I got to have tea with Auntie. She'd make me a cup of tea. It was really more milk than tea with a spoonful or two of sugar in a china tea cup with matching saucer. There would be cookies, too, sometimes the store bought spice cookies shaped like Dutch windmills and Dutch boys and girls. If it was after a holiday, there would be Grandma's bow cookies drizzled in honey and Auntie's sesame seed cookies.

After work, Ma and Dad would come to pick us up. We'd stay for dinner and everyone would crowd around the table in the small kitchen. We'd have Grandma's Cappellini, home-made macaroni shaped like little hats, meatballs, sausage, and Scali bread from Blundo's Bakery to sop up the gravy.

The old folks have all passed away, but the memories and the door remain.

It's your turn to play. From Elizabeth: Now it's time to share your Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable.  Join hosts Bleubeard and Elizabeth to see what else is being served up the Second Time Around.


  1. What an amazing look back at a time and place that is now only in your memories. I remember those little cookies that were shaped like Dutch windmills. I think I saw some a few years ago.

    Summers must have been fun for you. It all sounds rather idyllic. Thanks for sharing this wonderful look back as your second look on the 2nd. It was definitely a first look for me!!

    1. It was idyllic because it was a different place and a different time.

  2. "All good!" I used to shout when entereing my paren´s, now Brother´s shop. So no one had to interrupt their work.
    Ingo´s Uncle suffered Epilepsy, but back in the day they also thought it´s "but" a mental illness. He never went to school.
    We have the cellar right underneath and no heating in the loo.... I read you ;-)
    And you would love our hopscotch that you find entereing our small condo.
    Cute barber :-) I cut my hair yesterday...
    Oh, your summer days sound great - I get a strawberry-icecrea, from the freezer now! (not kidding).
    WONDERFUL memories!

    1. I want to visit so I can play hopscotch before I enter your house.

  3. Nice memories of growing up. I used to travel alone on the 'underground' in London, and was never scared. I'm not sure I would do it today! The house door is very pretty. Hugs!

    1. Things were so different back then. The house door looked better when it was the same color as the trim

  4. Funny thing: we bought some almond-flavored windmill cookies at Trader Joe’s yesterday. Maybe they are a little different from the ones you remember. I enjoyed reading all your remembrances of visiting your relatives. I think we all have a few memories of that type of family visit, with multiple generations.
    best, mae at

    1. The windmill cookies make me very nostalgic

  5. Thanks for sharing these memories.

    All the best Jan

  6. We used to spend a lot of time with an aunt also. I enjoyed reading this, and I'm late. I was exhausted last night and said I'd wait until today. Enjoy the sunshine.

  7. I really enjoyed this story CJ, thanks for sharing. You should write more of these, trips down memory lane; reminds me of the posts from your dad’s life you did😺💙‼️
