Friday, May 3, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. We took an early Mother's Day trip to the cemetery and had brunch at the Cracker Barrel

2. The Orthofeet shoes I ordered over the weekend arrived. They fit much better than the Skechers. Tie once and then slip in. They also have a 60 day walk around in them trial

3. I put the cat bell and tiny bells stakes in the garden.

4. There was a big bang from the  landscaper truck parked next to us in the grocery store lot. A bang and a puff of smoke. No one was shaken, just stirred. Himself thought the dump truck bed wasn't seated right and just decided to seat itself properly. The landscaper when he came out of the store and we told him what happened wasn't concerned.

5. Another play Day at Teague's. We returned the Skechers and had lunch at Red Heat Tavern

How was your week? 


  1. Glad you had a good week! (Mine was a bit less wonderful....threw out my back big time....been on the heating pad all week. 😔)

    1. Oh, no! You and Himself. He threw his back out on Thursday. I got him the generic back patches with lidocaine and a lidocaine roller. We didn't have a heating pad so I went to Target and bought a large one. He's been enjoying the heating pad. Btw, you can't use the lidocaine patches or roller at the same time as a heating pad.

  2. Yum for the Cracker Barrel.

  3. Replies
    1. They are really comfortable. I needed a sturdy shoe when Teague and I got to Camp next month

  4. I'm glad you made me sit and think of 5 good things.. Its been a little crazy around here..
    * Hubs pulled over on a whim and walked around a City Garden with me and i told him for the millionth time what the names to all the plants ...
    *Found a piece at a metal scrap yard for 50 cents to complete a windchime i've been adding to for years..
    * Granddaughter got to go on a field trip she earned from completing her reading list... without Mommy or Daddy tagging along... a good independent step i think
    *Hubby welding on fence / Me painting where the welds are... progress...
    *A Color Run /Walk planned for this weekend with daughter and the grandlittles... where they throw colored powder at you.. um...yeah... i THINK it will be fun.. Either way i've always wanted to do it so YEAH!!
    Glad you were able to visit the cemetery ... Yeah for good sneakers... and a play day with Teague woot woot!!Hugs! deb

    1. The windchime sounds awesome. Yup, a good independent step for the granddaughter to go with her class on the field trip without mom or dad. You'll have to blog about the Color Run

  5. Replies
    1. It is and you don't have to tie them. I hate tying shoes. Tie once and just step in and out

  6. The shoes do look comfortable.

    The week has gone so quickly, here in the UK it's a bank holiday weekend, for many no work or school on Monday.
    The grandchildren all have big smiles on their faces about this :)

    All the best Jan

  7. A wise old man once said to me, "If you walk a mile or two in someone else's shoes, they'll arrest you for stealing them!"

    Anyway, I had to buy new shoes recently. The old ones had a hole and it let in water. So I made another hole so that the water got out. Didn't work!

    God bless.

  8. MMMMM, Cracker Barrel - LOVE that place and their cool gift shop!

    My mom used to wear those kind of sneakers because she only had use of one hand and arm. She loved them!!

    1. The Cracker Barrel gift shop is such a temptation

  9. I seem to have gotten behind this week. It sounds like you had a great week. Glad you now have some good summer shoes too. I hope you have a great weekend, is it also going to rain for you tomorrow?

  10. Glad your new shoes fit well and good on you for going to the cemetery.
