Sunday, May 26, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I was following a bumblebee trying to take her picture when she disappeared into this hole. Mr. Google told me that bumblebees sometimes build their hives underground.

Alpine Bells

The solar cat windchimes/mobile that

changes color.

Petunias in the boxes

Geraniums in the cat planters. There's a geranium in the fox planter, too.

The snowball bushes avalanched. Quill is sitting in the window.

Ink in the garden

A new birdbath

The Clematis survived the Winter


How does  your garden grow?


  1. Love the bee-hole! Your garden is lookig good, I haven't done much on my balcony, just as few flowers! Happy Sunday, Valerie

    1. I bet your balcony is peaceful and cheery with a few flowers

  2. Love your mobile!
    I did some planting. It seems to go good. But birds stole all my wood-strawberries. The ones not ripe yet I protected - hope it works...

  3. Yes, lots of bees do live in the ground. And you have irises already. I'm jealous. Mine are only buds. I love the solar kitty mobile too. I bet the look great in the dark. Enjoy this day before the Rain arrives. Yesterday and Friday were perfect weather days in my book.

    1. I was surprised bumblebees live underground. I thought just wasps built their nests underground.

  4. All such pretty flowers and new things for the garden! LOVE that solar windchime! My husband could tell you a story about getting attacked by a swarm of bumble bees when he was a kid... I always think of them as such docile creatures just going about their business of collecting pollen.. but maybe if their nest is disturbed its a different story? so take care! The storms here have been crazy for the last few weeks... tornadoes popping up everywhere! Last night 80mph winds at 2am... yeah not much sleep last night.. Hugs! deb

    1. Seems this Spring is very volatile weather wise for you. Fingers crossed the patterns will calm down.

  5. WOW! The snowball bushes are happy happy! Your garden looks like it's going to have a banner year!

    1. Himself will be very happy once the vegetables start producing

  6. Spring is about over here, but my hydrangea is still looking pretty. I enjoy the bumblebees.

    1. I still haven't seen many bees. Just that lone bumblebee.

  7. Ink looks like a statue. So good when the flowers start showing their best.
    Solitary bees live underground and they sting.

    1. Ink crossed the rainbow bridge in 2016. The garden and statue are his memorial

  8. Your garden is looking good.

    All the best Jan
