Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy, Little, Time Waster


It will take your brain a bit to make sense of this photo. At first, the left side of the stairs looks wrong, then it falls into place, at least for many people.


  1. I saw it right away. I love optical illusions like that.

  2. There used to be books devoted to eye-bending, mind-bending puzzles - perhaps there still are!

  3. 'Optical illusions' is what I meant . . .

  4. Cleverly done! Hugs, have a great weekend!

  5. It looks better when I flip over the image. But right side up, my brain still isn't making sense of it. Stay dry.

  6. I guess my brain is working well today, LOL. I had no problem with it at first glance.

  7. It looks like either steps going up into an attic or steps going down to a basement.

  8. Still looks wrong to me, but I'm on my phone so am blaming that 😜

  9. Elizabeth, glad it amuses you and that you were able to stop by.

    Jabblog, I saw an online meme the other day of images that looked like the television had gone on the fritz. You were supposed to look at them close up and then you would see the image correctly. I wonder if there are sites online devoted to those types of puzzles?

    Iris, they are fun

    Enjoy your weekend, too, Valerie

    Erika, I had trouble, too, and had to scroll the image to see it.

    Robin, your brain is always working.

    My Lady, you are making me think of a Cinderella record I had as a child. Up into the attic and go down into the cellar, can you do them both together, Cinderella 😸

    Divers, I had trouble, too, and I'm on my computer. That's my excuse.
