Tuesday, June 25, 2024

T Stands for The Desert of Maine - Part 2

Our trip exploring the Desert of Maine continues. One of the surprises I found that wasn't on the scavenger sheet was this large, beautiful Lady Slipper. I've never seen them that big in the wild.

If you didn't want to walk all over the area, you could ride a little train. If you rode the train, you couldn't do the scavenger hunt.

This tree didn't have a nose for news

Vernal pool all dried up

Old-fashioned car

at an old-fashioned gas station

Can you spot the old-fashioned beverage signs? I think there are three of them.

Old-fashioned mobile phone

Camel logo for the Desert of Maine. Apparently, at one time there was a real camel at the attraction.

Teague was really patient with me as I tried to complete the scavenger hunt. I was missing 2 of the blocks, and had to backtrack to the filling station to make sure I had things. I was pretty sure I had everything up through number 10 and in order. Numbers 12 and 13 were very well hidden. 12 was in an extra loop easily missed after exiting the path from the filling station.

13 was up a hill and hidden behind the trees


I did it.

I think it's a been there, did that kind of place.

At the visitor center, I had my choice of a rubber bracelet or a small camel charm as a prize for completing the scavenger hunt. I chose the camel.

After all that running around, an iced tea sounded good

I wanted a lobster roll so Teague found a roadside stand with the cheapest lobster price of the day.

Mmm, lobster roll so good with an iced tea and chips (crisps). After lunch, she took me down the road apiece to Mainely Custard, a frozen custard stand as I never had frozen custard. I was too busy enjoying the small (but huge!) Black Raspberry and Chocolate Chip frozen custard. 

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. I’’m amused to see one of those scavenger hunts meant to be done by adults! Congrats on completing it. Looks amusing.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. The scavenger hunt was meant to be done by kids, but I didn't think they would mind if a big kid played, too

  2. I really enjoyed seeing this second part of Desert of Maine. However, I enlarged the signs on the building and only found two drinks. I saw lots of cigarettes, motor oil, a telephone sign, and a bubble gum, but never saw the third drink reference.

    Nice you finished the scavenger hunt. The prize was a bit wimpy for all you had to do. Loved some of those loose leaf tea names.

    Nice to have lobster roll that didn't break the bank. And iced tea looks good on a hot day. There is a store in one of the malls that sells only frozen custard. There were so many choices, it was hard to settle on just two, the couple of times I have gone.

    Thanks for sharing your trip to Desert of Maine, that fun tea, and your meal and drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

    1. The three drinks on the sign are Hires Root Beer (my dad loved this brand), Grapette Soda, and the tiny Moxie sign. Moxie is the official drink of Maine. Teague's distant cousin, John Chamberlin, was the original Moxie boy model and logo from the early 1900s.

    2. I saw the Moxie sign the first time,. but had NO idea it was a drink DUH!!! Must be a local thing.

    3. Yes, Moxie is regional to New England and the official beverage of Maine

  3. a very clever, and fun way to spend the day bringing in
    tourists. wonder if they change things up a bit year after year.😺

    1. Teague says it's a lot different from when she visited in the70s or 80s. I think the biggest addition is the Welcome Center, clean rest rooms, and snack bar. The landscape has changed too. The desert is in the middle of a forest and slowly the land is reclaiming the sand. They have also added mini-golf and play areas for kids.

  4. Replies
    1. I know! Teague loves the stuff. I think it tastes like drain cleaner

  5. I've never heard of frozen custard. I bet that's good on a hot day.

    1. It's ice cream made with eggs and very rich. It reminded me of gelato

  6. That looks like a fun place to wander around.

    1. It was. I think we did over 5,000 steps just here. Which required a long nap when we got back to the hotel before we had a late dinner.

  7. Oh, what fun, I LOVE scavenger hunts, wish I could have joined in! Well done on doing it all. Hugs!

    1. It was fun finding all the wood block prints

  8. thecontemplativecat here. Frozen custard! Mom always made a custard the old fashioned way and then churned it!

  9. I would have picked the camel too. The Desert of Maine is quite the place. I would never have thought that. And hurrah for the lobster roll, and frozen custard. I've had it once or twice before but not in decades. If I'm ever up that way I'll look for Mainely custard to try it again. Thanks for sharing your visit to the desert. It was interesting to read about, and to see your completed scavenger hunt. I hope you had a super T day.

    1. Taught my last class until Fall. Great class.

  10. That sounds like a great way to spend the day!

    BTW, what is "moxie"??

    1. Moxie is an old-fashioned soda from the 1910s 1920s. It was marketed as a nerve food because of the use of gentian root used in herbal medicines. It supposedly tastes like root beer, but has a bitter after taste because of the gentian root. It's a regional beverage here in New England and is the state beverage of Maine. Because of it's strong taste and you have to be tough to drink it gave rise to the expression "s/he has moxie" from the 1920s or 1930s. Teague loves the stuff. I think it tastes like drain cleaner.
