Sunday, June 2, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Kitty and fox planters with potted geraniums

Himself had the lawn guy weed and mulch  the areas

by the garage.


Queen Anne's Lace starting to bloom

Looks like the hydrangea is making a comeback after the transplant. There are quite a few buds on the bush

Himself and the Eldest planted marigolds to keep the bugs away from the tomatoes

Milk jugs have protected the sunflowers from being eaten by Timex (chipmunk)

Petunias planted from teeny seeds are doing very well.

How does your garden grow?


  1. I love your flowers! I can't get daisies to grow on my patio and haven't tried geraniums here. Yours are gorgeous!

  2. Great idea for the Sunflowers.. i'll have to remember that... I used the mower to cut the wildflowers in the yard into islands and flower beds up next to the back porch.. So cute. I've enjoyed watching them change over the last month or so.. First purple verbena and yellow coreopsis were predominate.. now its black eyed susans and suflowers... My grandpa in florida used marigolds for that purpose alot.. Hugs! deb

  3. It's looking great and so weed free. I love it. I weeded yesterday, and it hardly made a dent. I hope you enjoying this weekend. It is just gorgeous, isn't it?

  4. Gardens are romping away now . . . can't keep up ;-)

    1. I'm glad it's not my chore or hobby. I just take pictures 😸

  5. Yours looking great. Our balcony... aw, well...

    1. Maybe get a vase of flowers for the balcony?

  6. I love the kitties. Your gardens look so much better than mine. My herbs, mostly Mediterranean, are all dying because they are getting too much rain and no sun.
