Tuesday, June 18, 2024

T Stands for Time To Kill

The first real landmark of the ride up to Ogunquit. The Piscataqua River Bridge which connects Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Kittery, Maine. Ogunquit is only 20 or so minutes away, if the hotel would let us check-in early. They won't so we have some time to kill.

We stopped at a comfort station on the Maine Turnpike to get some brochures, and I decided to play tourist. 

We decided to stop for lunch at the Sun and Surf Restaurant on Long Sands Beach in York, Maine. Same place where we had lunch last year. We had the same lunch, too. Haddock bites with fries, and we had a cup of clam chowder (it's pronounced chow-dah). I had an unsweetened iced tea with lemon for my beverage. I think Teague had a Sprite (lemon-lime soda)

After lunch, the traditional stop at Sohier Park to walk around to take pictures especially 

of Nubble Light. The seeing the lighthouse never gets old.

We arrived in Ogunquit, but still had about an hour and a half to wait before we could check in. We decided to drive to the Marginal Way. Teague said she always seems to have luck with getting a parking space on Stearns Road steps from Lobster Point Lighthouse Her luck held and she got the same spot she always seems to get.

So we walked a little ways along the Marginal Way and sat and chatted until

the fog started to roll in.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. I love that photo of you CJ. You have a great smile. And you are right, Nubble Light never gets old. I haven't been to the Sun and Surf for awhile either, but your lunch looks delicious. You might have had time to kill, but you used it well. :) Happy T day. And this is your kind of weather I believe also.

    1. Sun and Surf went upscale from the little clam shack it was 50 years ago. We should have picked this week to be in Ogunquit. Yes, my kind of weather.

  2. I could so live there ‼️

    deer mom, pleez bring home sum haddock N chow dah for uz..thanx and lovez, calli and quill….🐟💙💖😺

    1. Sadly kitties, the 🐟wouldn't have survived the trip

  3. Wonderful photos of the sea and beach, glad you had a great time! Happy T Day!

  4. I love that photo station👍 It's fun when places offer these opportunities. I love that coastline view. I wanna wade out there!

    1. The coast pictures are from the Marginal Way. The beach is a long way down from the cliffs. Friday night, a woman fell 20 feet down the cliff. I don't know how badly she was hurt. The main beach is safer. No rocks and a soft, sandy beach

  5. Early check-in is elusive, but when they allow it I really appreciate it. Sometimes the hotel really can’t help it, but sometimes I think they are just being mean.
    Your beach photos are wonderful.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. I wish check in was around 1p or 2 p instead of 4 p

  6. Beautiful! Glad you had a good time! 😊

  7. Eating is always a good way to fill a pause! Happy T Day!

  8. What a beautiful place. You used your time wisely:) Loved the pics, especially your tourist shot;)

  9. It looks great, it's good to visit familiar places - we did a lot of that ourselves this holiday(sorry, vacation! ) Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. There's still so much to do there and we haven't eaten at all the restaurants, yet

  10. I am SO very sorry about getting here late. I truly intended to visit sooner, but I have been in pain. Hard to do much other than sleep and use the toilet.

    Enjoyed seeing your lovely face playing tourist. Fun to see and to see the beauty of the surrounding area.

    The chowder looks good and the haddock and chips (fries) must have been perfect with your unsweetened tea, too. Thanks for sharing this beautiful countryside, your meal and tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear CJ.

  11. Beautiful pictures all Cj! Hugs! deb

  12. Such a beautiful place I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Nice to see you too, you have a lovely smile :)

    All the best Jan

  13. Quite like your blog back ground, I still haven't found one that will load...or is free, never mind, I have a whole week of sorting that out, as not at home. Lovely pictures-Happy very late T for Tuesday ((Lyn))

  14. You found some great ways to kill that time! Lovely views and your food looks good too! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx
