Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Summer Solstice from America's Stonehenge

Image from America's Stonehenge Facebook Page

Did you know that America has its own Stonehenge? Neither did I until Teague and I were on our way home from Ogunquit. She stopped in Salem, New Hampshire where we roamed the forest and saw man-made rock walls and stone structures. 

From the America's Stonehenge site:  "A maze of man-made stone chambers, stone walls, and standing stones that align with the sun on the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days. At over 4,000 years old, America's Stonehenge most likely the oldest man-made construction in the United States."

Happy Summer Solstice!


  1. Well, well - is there a gathering of Druids there at the summer solstice?

    1. The site is having a special Drum Circle 6/20 from 7-8 pm to mark the setting of the sun and the moonrise at the same time. I'm sure there will be lots of groups gathering.

  2. Cool. I learned something new today. :-)

  3. wishing it was fall, awesome photo by the way ‼️😺

  4. That Stonehenge sounds great, I would love to see it! Hugs!

  5. There should be more of this kind of thing in modern parks. The oldest of something is always notable, but I wish structures other than playgrounds and picnic tables had a place in our parks.

    1. But that would invite people to climb all over the structures and maybe even vandalize them. Though no guarantee about a private place keeping the structures from harm. Just this week, some people threw orange paint/power over some of the stones at Stonehenge in England

  6. Cool. I've never been here, but I have heard of it. Was it worth the visit? Happy summer. It's your favorite season!!!!

    1. Fun, but very touristy and a little underwhelming as the stones though heavy are not the massive structures like Stonehenge in England

  7. The sun's still up, so Happy solstice!

  8. Happy Summer Solstice!

    All the best Jan
