Friday, June 14, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. The groomer came to clip the kitties' nails. It didn't take long to wrangle them.

2. I bought a collapsible water bottle

3. The Amazon driver not only put the package inside the front porch, but put it on the little table.

4. Saw an awesomely beautiful rainbow on the way home from class. The picture doesn't do it justice. As I got closer to the rainbow the colors became brilliant

5. Road trip!

How was your week?


  1. It looks like you're at the intersection of Belmont St, Highland Street, Main Street, and a few others. What is that intersection called? Do you remember when it was rotary? I hope the rainbow is good luck for your trip to Ogunquit and that you don't get a lot of bad weather today.

    1. Was it called Lincoln Square? I didn’t grow up in this area so don’t remember the rotary. I have seen old pictures of this section of the city with the rotary. - CJ

  2. Five things to put a smile on your face :-)

  3. What a happy list! We're getting code orange air alerts here. Strange. It feels fine to me when I'm outside.

    1. Hmmm, I hope the air quality improves soon - CJ

  4. We see so many rainbows down here we've become blasé about them. (Although I still get excited about the double ones so I'm not a total monster! LOL)

    1. The double rainbows are something to get excited about. I haven’t seen too many of those. - CJ
