Sunday, June 23, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The Little Red Squirrel came for a visit and a snack. The kitties were excited to see him.

Storm clouds moving in

The daylilies are blooming

The hydrangea is making an amazing comeback. When it blooms it will make a magnificent show.

The other day, the town decided to chip seal the street. It's a thin layer of heated asphalt covered with small aggregate (chips) and then compacted. It takes a few days to cure. Meanwhile, it's dusty as all get out when cars and trucks roar by.

No one seems to be paying attention to the 15 mph. speed signs tacked up on the telephone poles. I guess the speed signs are more of a suggestion. 

This stuff is really awful with chips flying up and whacking your car. It feels shaky to drive on, too. I remember this method was done on the street Himself and I grew up on. He fell off his bike and cut his knee. No one knew that a tiny chip had embedded itself deep in the cut and then got infected.

This sunflower is almost as tall as I am!

Milkweed flowers

Tiny peppers

A Gerbera daisy?

Morning glories and some thing is feasting on the leaves

Himself weeded the bed under the Japanese maple and put more soil down. The tree roots were so hard and thick, it was hard to plant things under the tree. 


Looks like Himself tree is having problems. It hasn't leafed out the way it should have, and I saw tiny bore holes along the truck. A search for bore holes in ash trees brought up an article about an invasive pest known as an Emerald Ash Borer. Looks like I'll be calling the arborist to see if there's anything that can be done to save the tree plus the other ash trees in the woods.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Would I be correct in assuming you are not particularly tall, or is your fence really tall, 7 or 8 feet?

    1. I stand at 5 ft. 1 1/2 in. tall. Though if you ask me, I'll tell you I'm 5 ft. 2 in.

  2. It's amazing how everything shoots up, isn't it? I hope the tree doesn't have ash-borers. I wonder if they'll have you hang one of those blue bags to catch them. At least I think that's what those blue bags you see hanging are for. Looks like another wash-out. Has been a disappointing weather weekend here and I think for you also.

  3. SAVE THE TREES! It would be a shame if the woods got decimated! 😔

    1. I know. There's already an infestation of Asian Longhorn Beetles up in Worcester. Lots of trees had to be taken down. 😱

  4. I seem to have read somewhere that you could do a preventative treatment on trees Pre-pandemic it was like $50 a tree... It might have been for something else but may be it was for what your talking about.. We had pine trees in Arkansas at the time and trouble with bugs so maybe it was that... ? My garden of Sunflowers grows well..I gave them short skirts this year and cut the bottom leaves off when they were small... a cute Just having fun... My Birthday T party with the Grandlittles today... Hmm... i think i'll make it a new tradition...Hugs! deb

    1. Happy Birthday! 🎂💐Have fun with the grands

  5. My grandfather always planted sunflowers in the garden and my grandmother zinnias. Wonderful choices:) That sucks about the chips on the road. Your day lilies are beautiful and looking forward to the hydrangea blooms. Pink or blue?

    1. The soil here is very acidic so the hydrangea will be blue

  6. My poor little patio garden is really suffering in this heat. Yours looks like an oasis of green and flowering delight by comparison

  7. thecontemplativecat here. You sure had some adventures. Would love to spend some time in your garden! So lovely.
