Friday, June 7, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. I stopped in at the post office to see if they had a 14 in x 14 in box to send the Young One's hat and other things to her. The flat rate boxes weren't big enough. S went out back and found a box from recycle that might work. The percs of living in a small town.

2.  I found a penny in the Target parking lot

3. I ordered a sun hat for the Eldest. The hat, from the Wallaroo Hat Co. ,arrived so I had a perfect hat box to mail the Young One's hat.

4. I finished watching The Mandalorian. For the most part, I enjoyed the story except for the puppets!

5. Driving home from Teague's there was a mama turkey crossing the road with her poult. It was the cutest, tiniest baby turkey I've seen.

How was your week?


  1. This week was better than last for me. My mom used to always say "Find a penny, pick it up. All day long you'll have good luck." Have you heard that? Happy Friday. Hope you see some sun.

    1. I had that rhyme in my head as I picked up the penny

  2. If you're superstitious , only pick up pennies that are heads up....not that I've ever left a tails up penny where I found it....🤣🤣🤣

    1. I don't recall hearing anything about heads or tails. See a coin, pick it up

  3. Ups and downs this week... glad you had a good week! A coincidence both places i've lived recently AR and TX have had a moratorium on hunting wild turkey because of their scarcity .. Hugs! deb

    1. I don't think that's a problem here. Massachusetts turkey season ran from April 29 to May 25

  4. You'll have lots of luck now you found that penny and picked it up 😀. Sounds like a great week! I've been busy with DIY, carpet shopping, afternoon tea for a friend's birthday, the hairdressers, cleaning etc - wow, I need to sit down with a cuppa, just thinking about it has me tired ...ha, ha! Sending you happy wishes ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. You had a busy week. You deserve to sit down, put your feet up, and enjoy a cuppa

  5. A hat makes the perfect gift! I like the Mandalorian, puppets and all lol

    1. It's just every once in a while, the puppets yanked me out of the story

  6. How cool that you got to see momma and baby turkey.
    Have a grand one. Sandra

    1. The baby was so tiny, not much bigger than Calli, and just soooo cute

  7. This was a joy to read. I really should follow your example. But maybe my T-days count as well.

    1. Your T Days count with all the good things you do during the week

  8. Hope that penny brought you luck!

    1. Yes, for getting a real hat box to send the Young One's hat.

  9. Nice PO story. When Sharon and I mailed the napkins, we went to my sub-station. She was VERY impressed with the attention the clerk gave us. I always am, too. They know me at that PO, where any other PO in Wichita, I would NOT get that treatment.

    Now you'll have LOTS of luck. Maybe the luck applied to the new hatbox, too.

    Never heard of # 4. Must be on a premium or cable channel.

    Nice you got to see the wild turkey and baby. Sounds like a great week for you.

    ME? Still playing catch up.

    1. Even at Wichita PO, make friends with the clerks and go when it's not busy. The Mandalorian is a series in the Star Wars saga which is owned by Disney and on Disney +, yes a premium channel. I think the penny brought be luck for the hatbox
