Monday, June 3, 2024

When Your Muse Takes A Powder


From June 22, 2009

An author friend posed some answers to the question what do you do when your creative well runs dry?

Creating something with my hands is such a rush. Though I sometimes refer to my work as play, it's still work. (Though some don't view it as such). It's hard to be creative every single day. Sometimes the demands of work and family just sap my energy. When I feel that happen, it's best just to step back and leave the drawing board. I find if I'm not in a good mood, not happy, my mood comes through my hands. But there's also the need to get that creative energy back. Some things I do:

1. Being a couch potato and watching movies.

2. Cleaning and organizing the studio. Though this can also be a procrastination technique, touching the art supplies sometimes cause my fingers to itch. Sometimes I just have to get my hands in the paint. Afterall, art is a contact sport.

3. Reading blogs by creative friends and colleagues. Looking at what they are doing can be very energizing.

4. Flipping through my calligraphy books, art books, and color swatch book, makes me want to get back in the saddle.

5. Making ATCs just for me and not a trade. Too many times things made are given away or sold (a blessing). I can try a new technique and have fun without the pressure someone is waiting for a piece to be completed.

What are some of the things you do when your muse takes a powder?


  1. Read.

  2. Watching others on YouTube be creative and having a play with their art supplies can motivate me... A great one for me is Cat Hand... Often i feel motivated to do my own thing while her video is playing.. Hugs! deb

  3. Try and wait patiently for her return....??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. I hope you will join Second on the 2nd. It is a wonderful addition. I always used to clean and organize when I've hit a dry spell, but lately all I want to do is eat, sleep, and watch tv. You certainly have a great list there.

    1. I thought it would be too late, but I just listed it

    2. You made it just in time. Thanks for joining Second on the 2nd.

  5. I paint, lots of colours, no restrictions, no aims! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I have no muse, but I find time with the patio garden to be refreshing.

  7. My muse occasionally takes a break also. I can tell because if I make something I just hate what I make. Those are all good suggestions. Like Nita, the garden also helps me. Hope your muse returns soon.

    1. This was a repost from 2009. The muse is busy helping me with diplomas and book awards.

  8. You have offered a neat little window into your life!

    1. It's filled with a lot of procrastination 😸

  9. I like what you do when you lose your inspiration. I am still looking for mine.
