Sunday, July 19, 2020

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I finally captured a picture of the elusive Bluebird

Hydrangeas that are really blue but show up purple in the picture

Bunnies practicing social distancing

Reggie's morning glories have started to bloom

A bee taking her break 

Leaning tower

Hidden morning glory

First of the zucchini.

First yellow cherry tomato from the garden

Day is done

This pot of morning glories took off

This one didn't.

A new stake to fortify the cage so it doesn't lean.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Everything still on hold here, flower-wise. Too cold maybe?
    I love the bee taking a break :-) That´s what Sundays are for, right!

    1. Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays....all good for taking a break. 😺

  2. It all looks great! Have a sunny Sunday, Valerie

  3. You have BEES. I am so happy to see that. It's been at least three years since I've seen a bee. Hope your zucchini does well. Mine is still in the flowering stage.

    1. I was happy to see the bee, too. Not many of them around. The local apiary lost all of his hives from some sort of virus. He shut down his business. 😿 The zucchini grew overnight!

  4. Lucky you to have bluebirds. We had them at school but not at my house. And lucky you to have a zucchini coming also. I do think my chipmunk eaten plants are making a comeback, but are way way behind right now. Not sure I'll get any fruits or not. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. I think the bluebirds are making a come back in the area. I've never seen one here until a couple of years ago and then it was in January of all times! Stay cool

  5. Oh boy! The beginning of the zucchini deluge! Enjoy! ;)

    1. It's a good thing Prissy gave me her zucchini bread recipe! 😺

  6. So lovely to see all the beautiful flowers and yummy veggies in your garden 😁. Those bunnies are adorable too! Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. The tiny bunnies are even cuter. Clover has a sibling, but I haven't been able to get a picture

  7. I love morning glories need to find a spot where I can plant some here. loved seeing your bluebird and I have not seen a single bee here at the lake-my tomato plants are doing awesome but no pollinaters that I have seen. I used a paint brush to try and pollinate-only a very few tomatoes when I went to the amish market surprised they had no zucchini-but its been extreme heat here with no rain the last few weeks Happy sunday

    1. The zucchini in the garden must love the hot and humid weather we are having as it grew overnight!

  8. I wish i had a garden. I do have some pots on the railings of the deck and succulants i had to bring inside because it was too much sun and heat on them. your garden especially that hydrangea plant that i love looking at, seems to be growing good.

    1. They hydrangea is making a bit of a comeback. The past few years only 1 or 2 blossoms. It used to be laden with them. The heads so big they would bow over.

  9. A bluebird! I'm jealous. My city patio will never be where bluebirds wanna be.I enjoyed your photo :)

    1. The bluebird sits on that hook every morning around 10:30. But he’s quick to take flight

  10. Your garden is looking good.
    I like to see hydrangeas and your vegetables look good.

    All the best Jan
