Friday, July 17, 2020

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. Skyped with the Eldest on her birthday.

2. Finally got a picture of the bluebird that has been visiting the yard

3. Practiced gilding for a project and embossed a pattern in the gold without tearing the gold

4. After shopping, did take out lobster rolls from the 99 Restaurant

5. The cashier at Lowe's admired my Marvin the Martian mask. He even did an impersonation

How was your week?


  1. Sounds quite good. The best thing I can say about this week is that it's nearly over! Have a fun day, Valerie

  2. Sounds like another good week. I'm glad to hear you got the lobster rolls. I like your mask too! Teddy is now complaining that he wants me to get him a fashionable mask similar to that to wear.

    1. I seem to put a lot of ideas into Teddy's head. 😺

  3. That is a fun mask CJ and I bet that was a fun moment at Lowe's. I think it's good more chains are requiring masks. Glad you had a good week! Hugs-Erika

    1. My thinking if you have to wear a mask, it should be fun.

  4. LOL Where's the KABOOM????? Glad you had a good week! Lobster rolls always make for a good week! ;)

    1. Marvin is one of my favorites. I just love his voice😺

  5. The two window air/cond units are keeping the house bearable while we have our broken A/C unit replaced...uuuughh..

    Hubs sister came up negative on a Covid test..

    She is out of the hospital and home..

    The papermache stars i wanted to crackle paint have crackled!!

    Finally painted the one eyed fish on my canvas... I was brave and they look good!!

    Belated Birthday to the Eldest!! Hugs! deb

  6. "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom." lol We love Marvin the Martian!

  7. You certainly had a much better week than I. I love the mask. So glad you had face time with your daughter, too.

    I learned today that when I went to the Driver's License place to renew my license, one of the workers there has come down with the virus. One of the women who was NOT wearing a mask came up and got close to me. She even touched me on the shoulder and I drew away. I hope she wasn't the infected one. I am now in self quarantine until I'm sure I don't get the virus.

    1. Oh dear. The problem with being out and about because people could be infected and they don’t even know it

  8. Sounds like a great week! Nice to see you daughter on her birthday and the bluebird in your garden too 😁. The lobster roll sounds yummy and your Marvin mask is fabulous - love it! The gilding sounds tricky to me and I bet it turned out perfect, well done! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

    1. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Most likely, beginner’s. Luck

  9. do you share photos of your projects...and maybe i've missed them... love the mask.

    1. I do share pics of my work. This was just a test piece so I didn't bother.
