Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

Spartacus (1960) Kirk Douglas

If you haven't seen this movie, you may be able to find it on YouTube.


  1. I saw this awhile ago and enjoyed it.

  2. Wow, a movie I have actually seen! Enjoy your weekend, Valerie

  3. I've only seen bits and pieces of this one. ;)

  4. I remember this one.
    Stay safe. Be healthy.

  5. "I am Spartacus!" One of the classics. I think this is a must-see.

  6. I've actually HEARD of this one (grin). And it's in color, too.

    1. Yeah, not the usual, old, dog-view movies I watch 😺

  7. A golden oldie and such a great film! Kirk Douglas only passed away this year, he was 103 - amazing 😁. Happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  8. i've heard of it but not seen it. I think my mother raised me in a cave without tv.

    1. As Divers and Sundry said, this movie is a must see.

  9. It's one I've seen and enjoyed.
    Big smiley face :)


    All the best Jan
