Sunday, January 10, 2021

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 Another backwards story. Oh, well,

I finally got around to getting a battery for the weather station. It's Winter and the little tree is bare. The station took the temperature of the house as the outside high temperature at 68 oF. Don't I wish!

Inside, pictures of the farm. Lots of blossoms on the pepper plant

The green mountain

Lots of little tomatoes, we hope

The Eldest sent Himself and herb garden for Christmas

The tall plant on the right with the yellow flower is broccoli. I thought it grew in a poly bag.

Outside, snowbirds at the feeder

A mole road

Another mole trail, this one to the bird feeder.

Overnight, a skiff of snow.

How does your garden grow?


  1. WOW! You've got quite a crop growing inside! :D

    1. Hopefully, they will bear fruit. I'm looking forward to little tomatoes

  2. WOW. You are growing your own veggies, or at least your husband is. What a thoughtful gift she gave him. What struck me most was the photo of the night scene. That was actually magical.

    My garden is as dormant as yours right now, and looks a bit like yours, too.

    1. I wasn't happy about the snow, but I do like the pattern of light on the ground. Might make a good Christmas card for next year. If I can remember 😺

  3. The farm is looking magnificent and making me jealous of the goodies you will hopefully have. The hubby is doing a fantastic job, and that is one long mole trail. Stay warm and enjoy the sun.

    1. From the stairs to the bird feeder is a long way. Those little mole legs must be tired from making that trip

  4. Wow, you sure have a great garden/farm there!
    The snow is gone, but it´s still cold, I hope my wild strawberries survived...

  5. Your plants are already huge! I like the looks of the pepper plant especially. The snow looks nice, even though I hate snow. But it does let one see tracks. I spotted some Coyote tracks right after the snow we had a few weeks ago.

    1. I hope we get some peppers. Himself pollinated the flowers with a brush. I haven't gone out by the woods to see if there are larger animal tracks up there.

  6. You've certainly got some good things growing, I hope they all do well.

    All the best Jan

  7. Wow, look at your inside garden! Amazing! I love snow birds! I think they are so cute! That mole was busy! LOL! The night snow picture is so pretty! Big Hugs!

    1. I like the snow birds, too. Like negative dotted Swiss

  8. We had snow yesterday! Snow!!! There were flurries off and on much of the day, and it even dusted some of the plants. Fun! Nothing like yours, of course, so not the pretty scene you show. On the other hand our streets stayed completely clear.

    Snowbirds are such sweet little birds to watch :)
