Sunday, June 27, 2021

How Does Your Garden Grow?


At the Solstice, the tree graphic changed from a pink blooming tree to green leaves.

Green things growing. Broccoli and lettuce.

Who will get to the tomato first? Timex, the chipmunk or Himself.

A lone bee enjoys the milkweed blossoms

A bejeweled web sparkles in the sunlight. The picture doesn't do it justice

Either the remains of a snack or someone left an acorn gift.

Amazing sunset

Some thing is nibbling all the morning glories leaves. Himself has been spraying the plants with Neem oil.

I found these fun plant buddies in a catalog and gave them to Himself for Father's Day. A potato relaxes in the tomato.

Happy eggplant

Smiling cucumber.

Pensive carrot among the green things

and a pumpkin peeks through the lettuce.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Your garden buddies are so much fun CJ. I like their little faces and a great way to tell one budding plant from another. And you have a tomato. Hurrah. I think that is a honey bee too. Does someone nearish to you have a hive, as they can fly 3 miles looking for pollen. Your garden is looking good. Don't get too hot this week. Summer!!! Hugs-Erika

    1. There used to be a man near the center of town within that range that kept bees, but he had severe hive collapse and closed his business last year. I don't know if anyone in the area has bees.

  2. Your garden is looking good, except for the chewed leaves. love those veggie critters. Valerie

    1. Hopefully, the Neem oil will make the leaves taste yucky to the bugs

  3. Garden Buddies, what fun! I have a couple of pet rocks, but they're not ones with colors and faces. I hope Himself gets the tomato, but my money's on the chipmunk lol

    1. My money's on the chipmunk, too, but don't tell Himself 🤫

  4. I love watching your garden grow! And those plant buddies are ADORABLE!:D

    1. I couldn't resist the plant buddies. I'm surprised Himself tossed them in with the plants

  5. Plant buddies, what a good idea! A friend gave me a snooze mate - a frog in a swag, as he knows I love frogs and am a bad sleeper - these things help - to your plants. Here... I don´t know. They are green, planted themselves... They just grow, nothing else.

    1. There are lots of green things just growing here that no one planted or at least can't remember planting 😺

  6. OMGosh. I love those plant buddies. They are so cute and clever, too. Your garden is doing much better than mine. I don't even have a yellow flower on my tomato yet. This is great and congrats on the first tomato of the year.

    1. Stay tuned to see who gets to the tomato first. Himself or Timex

  7. I want some of those plant buddies! So cute! LOL! Try water and dish soap, to spray on your plant, that is getting eaten! Just put the solution in a spray bottle, you don't need too much soap. Big Hugs!

  8. I love those plant buddies! Garden looks good, except for that leaf that's being eaten by some type of bug. Everything will need lots of water with this withering heat wave. :-(

    1. We got heavy rains from last night's thunderstorms

  9. Lovely garden photos! And those garden buddies are too funny! *LOL*

    1. They are completely frivolous, but I couldn't resist them
