Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Mindful Journal Prompt


From a recent journal prompt, to use your senses when journaling. A useful aid if you're stuck trying to decide what to journal about.

1. Taste: the salt water on your lips after swimming

2. Smell: breathe in the salt air mixed with the scent of French fries

3. Hear: the cries of the seagulls, the sound of the waves, and the chatter/screaming of the children playing on the beach.

4. Feel the chill of the water, the squish of the sand between your toes, the heat of the sun, and the light breeze

5.  See: the sailboat with the blue and white sail gliding along, the white foam of the waves, the hazy blue sky, the grey/green water of the ocean, the tiny white sailboat far in the distance.


  1. Be alert and alive to everything around you.

  2. I think you just about covered that prompt completely! :) Have a great day and stay warm. Brr. It's even chilly for me in August.

    1. Warmer weather coming for the weekend and next week

  3. I miss the calls of the seagulls. There aren't any down here. Although we have some adorable sea birds they are very quiet!

    1. Maybe Little Robin needs to get outside to stir up the birds - CJ

  4. I sure miss the ocean with all my senses...

  5. Great job on this, CJ:) Wonderful writing prompts.

  6. Stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan

    PS I do like the picture you've used here

    1. Sweet of you to stop by. When you’re ready, we’ll be here -CJ

  7. I'm ready for some beach therapy. Just have to mention salt...

  8. Meditative. It'd be a good practice even if you're not journaling.
