Friday, August 9, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things

 Five good things that happened this week.

1. We went to the beach late in the afternoon. Timed much better we got there shortly after low tide so didn't need to move our things. By the time the tide was coming in, we we ready to leave.

2.  Congdon's donuts is usually packed so we haven't even tried to go there for breakfast or to get donuts. Thanks to their Congdon's After Dark food truck event and the donut stall, we were able to get a donuts. One night, we had a Boston Cream for dessert, and the last night I bought a lemon for Saturday morning breakfast. Yummy.

3.  Sunday was too hot to cook. Himself had gone to the store to buy bread. He also bought a cold rotisserie chicken, macaroni salad, and potato salad.

4. The portable dishwasher arrived. An inch too tall to fit under the cabinets, but I'm not sending it back.

5. The usual play day with Teague. We went to lunch and then went to Birdies Creative Creamery for sundaes. Delicious ice cream with the vibe of an old-fashioned, ice cream parlor.

How was your week?


  1. Congdon's Donuts are yummy. And yes, there is always a big line- but it is great to see a local donut place do better than Dunkin'. I only get there when I happen to be in the area, which isn't all that often, but it's worth the wait. And I didn't know they had a food truck. Lucky you! It's too bad the dishwasher is a bit tall too, but maybe you can work something out. I agree, don't send it back. Stay dry. It was just pouring loudly, but I am looking forward to some art and reading time today.

    1. For the months of July and August, Congdon's runs a food truck park in their parking lot. It's called Congdon's After Dark and runs from 4 pm - 8 pm. (weather permitting) Different food trucks are there each night and there is live music. We ate there each night except Wed. because rain was predicted, but it didn't rain. Fun place. We would go on the later side and didn't have an issue finding parking.

  2. Too bad about the dishwasher but maybe Himself could 'fiddle' with the 'legs' to gain the inch you need? (just thinking out loud....) 🤷

  3. What a great week! I don't use the full size dishwasher I have.

  4. You had a much better week than I. Squiggles' meds put me in the poor house and I'll be lucky to afford groceries this week (slight exaggeration). Nice you got to eat out so often. Now I am hungry after reading your doughnut haul.

  5. Love the seagull! Your 5 things sound good - I really should follow your example.

    1. I love watching the seagulls at the beach. So funny and so much personality

  6. It sounds like a good week. It's always nice to get to the beach, and smell the salt air.
