Sunday, August 4, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

While I was away, Himself sent me this photo of a squirrel pulling down the sunflower so he could snack on the sunflowers seeds.

I replied, Abbondanza, everyone eats

He replied with an Italian hand gesture which indicates frustration.

The Eldest gathered a first harvest.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Critters gotta eat too! 😂😂😂

  2. We had a thundershower yesterday afternoon.... weeds are loving it! lol SunFlowers too... The Petunias are showing some wear and tear so i think i'm about to cut them back... I've never had good luck with cutting them back.. they say you can get a second flush of growth and flower if you cut them back... we'll see... That squirrel.. so cute! Hugs! deb

    1. I didn't know about cutting petunias back. I just thought if you dead headed they would continue to flower

  3. Nice harvest! I get visits from squirrels up here on the 2nd floor, they are clever! My little garden is doing well! Have a great day!

    1. The squirrel has been content to get the seed the birds toss to the ground. Except the birds have been eating the seed faster than I can keep the feeders full. He must have gotten frustrated and decided to take matters into his own paws. 🤣

  4. Squirrels deserve to succeed - they try so hard!

  5. Ha ha. That squirrel is funny. My husband saw one in one of my bird feeders sound asleep yesterday. I guess he either over ate or was too lazy to head home. Stay dry!

  6. Right now the tree rats are passing us by. If all they did was eat that'd be one thing, but they invade houses and chew though siding and anything plastic.

    1. Yes, they can be pretty pesky and destructive

  7. What a naughty squirrel! I loved seeing the first harvest, I bet they taste amazing 😊. Our garden is doing well, with all the rain we've had the grass is till green (it's usually yellow by now and it looks like we going to have a bumper crop this year from our apple trees. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. I had a cucumber and tomato sandwich for lunch. It was amazing.

  8. Good pic of the squirrel feasting on the sunflower.

    Blessed first harvest!!

  9. The squirrels here are the biggest offenders. We have pirates and clowns (Stellars Jays Pirates and Acorn Woodpecker Clowns....nuthatches, grosbeaks, on and on and its' the squirrels that steal so much. We even bought a brand at the local garden center..a bird seed called Habanera which is suppose to be squirrel resistant. They love the stuff. So i have no garden only buffets.

    1. I don't mind the critters. Their antics keep the fur babies entertained.

  10. How I hate squirrels. Loved himself's response.

    My garden sure doesn't grow like yours. Nice harvest.

    "Failed to publish" is back. Grr!
