Sunday, August 25, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

One, little watermelon disappeared. One little watermelon left.

A little pumpkin

I think there are 6 ears of corn!


A bee loving the sedum

How does your garden grow?


  1. Up early trying to mend my ways and get a walk in... helps that daughter lives close now and can help pry me out the door... :) What happened to the other watermelon?? Hmmm... Do you ever eat your Nasturtiums? I hear they are peppery tasting?? Well after weeks dare i say months of up over 100F and no rain the Sunflowers season is coming to an end a little early.. I've chopped down a few that hat more dead blooms than buds and flowers.. If i do it a little at a time i can feed them into the trash and not worry about how to get rid of them.. Some rain expected this next week.. fingers crossed... Hugs! deb

  2. Your sedum is colouring up nicely. I've always known it as ice plant - I don't know why.

  3. I see that bee, and what happened to the other watermelon? I hope it wasn't chipmunks. They've been eating my tomatoes-grumble grumble. And enjoy the corn. That's really cool. Enjoy this lovely day.

    1. Some critter enjoyed the watermelon. Don't know who. He said he's planning on picking the corn for Labor Day. That's next weekend. I'm not sure it will be ready by then.

  4. Are you heading to NH this week? If so, I hope you're going someplace nice and have a fun trip.

    1. We’re at an old place, but it’s nice enough - CJ

  5. SIX ears of corn! Prepare for the feast! 😂 (enjoy!)

  6. Our sedums too are covered in bees and other pollinators.

    1. I was pleasantly surprised to see the bee. We don’t seem to have many - CJ

  7. Oh, I remember fresh from the yard corn! What a treat!

    1. He’s planning on having harvesting the corn for Labor. Day. I’m not sue it will be ready by then - CJ
