Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Salt and Pepper

Have you noticed when you go to restaurants, there's never any salt cellar on the table? Even fast food restaurants no longer salt French fries (chips). Somewhere, the Food Police has decided salt is very not good for you. No salt for you! If you want salt on your fries, you have to ask. 

Teague and I were surprised when we had dinner at the Bull and Claw in Ogunquit. Right there, on the table, salt and pepper shakers. No need to ask.


  1. Now that you mention... I think at Blockhouse was no salt or pepper on the table, either! But the food was excellent the way it came on the table.

    1. I don't usually season my food at the table, but certain foods, like French fries, need a little salt

  2. I haven't noticed that. My husband goes no salt, and he always has to ask for his fries to have no salt. But I will admit, I haven't seen a lot of salt or pepper shakers on tables. Sometimes there used to be way too much salt on fries anyhow. Have a great day. I hope you don't get any storm this afternoon.

    1. Most of the storms look like they will be north and west of me

  3. I think it's been that way for a long time. I can't recall the last time I saw S&P on the table at a restaurant. 😕

  4. In my neck of the woods i still see salt and pepper on the tables... AND fast food french fries nearly always come with plenty of salt on them that i don't have to add any... With high blood pressure in the family and heart conditions we don't add salt to food anymore , whatever comes with it when it was cooked is enough.. Hugs! deb

    1. I'm like you. However the food is seasoned when cooked is how I take it, but there are foods that need salt (like French fries)

  5. I remember when they went from the refillable salt and pepper shakers like you show to the plastic disposable ones and now the tiny paper packets you have to ask for. *sigh*
