Tuesday, August 20, 2024

T Stands for Seagulls at Ogunquit House of Pizza

Seagull with French fries

Seagull with a slice of pepperoni pizza

Seagull on a mountain of hamburger

For my beverage, I'm having an iced tea/lemonade mix (known as an Arnold Palmer named after the famous golfer) and Teague is having Moxie, the official soft drink of Maine. Teague's distant relative, John Chamberlin is the Moxie Boy logo.

It was wicked hot and humid outside, and we were grateful for the restaurant's air conditioning while waiting for our subs. Cold food was the order of the day. I was waiting for a roast beef sub, with mustard, lettuce, and tomato. I think Teague had a turkey sub. We were quite surprised when the food was delivered to our table.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. I really like the seagull with French fries. Fun to see, but not so much fun to experience a gull 'sharing' one's food.

    1. I thought the cheekiness of the gulls was captured perfectly in the paintings. Yup, no fun to have your sandwich or a bag of chips taken from your hand.

  2. Ha ha to those seagulls. I'll take the Anrold Palmer; I'm not a Moxie fan. But how cool that Teague''s distant relative is on the label. Have a great T day!

    1. Finding out her relative was the Moxie Boy was an exciting genealogy find for her.

  3. A girl after my own heart! (a perfect choice for lunch!)

  4. Now I am hungry and want to have a holiday by the ocean!
    To a great T-Day!

  5. Such great artwork! Loving those seagulls with all those fab foods 😊. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  6. calli N quill….it barez ree peetin how ROOD burd iz….spesh a lee steelin πŸ• pizza ‼️‼️😼🐟

  7. I really loved those sea gull pictures. So true though. They are so clever and very bold. THey'll steal the food from your hand if you are not careful.
    Your iced tea drink looks very nice and refreshing. I've never had a Moxie but it looks a bit too much like Coke to me, so, no thank you.
    Happy T-Day

    1. Moxie isn't a cola. It's made with gentian root so has a bit of a bitter taste to it. The taste takes a bit of getting used to. I don't care for it. Originally it was marketed as a nerve food.

  8. thecontemplativecat here What excellent work! Seagulls are intelligent birds and we see them when fall comes. We are in s. California and gulls fly inland during winter.

    1. I love watching the seagulls. Graceful in flight and so much personality on land

  9. I like an Arnold Palmer, but it's been a while. Seagulls can be aggressive enough to take away any food I'm holding lol

    1. They are fierce at Ogunquit. I try not to eat on the beach.

  10. The food you ordered sounds fantastic! I don't think l would eat outside if seagulls were around - pleased you got a chance to cool down! Sorry to be so late visiting, it's all been happening here! A very belated Happy T Day,,hugs, Chrisx

    1. Never late. Just prolonging the celebration - CJ

  11. I hope this publishes. I love the seagull with the french fries. checked out the restaurant and those prices really ARE reasonable. They are much cheaper than some of the other restaurants in Ogunquit. BTW, did you know that Ed Hopper, the artist, created a lot of his rock and water sketches and paintings in and around the Ogunquit beaches? Thanks for sharing the Ogunquit House of Pizza and your drinks with us for T two Ts ago.

    1. Yup. Another famous connection to Ogunquit is Bette Davis. She was the first female lifeguard at Ogunquit Beach
