Friday, August 16, 2024

The Friday Five Good Things


Five good things that happened this week.

1. Sunday was such beautiful day. It just begged to open the windows.

2. A visit to the chiropractor. Hopefully over time with all the twisting, pulling, poking, I'll be more limber. My goal is to be able to get up off the floor a little more gracefully and without a lot of grunting.

3. Play day with Teague. Too nice to stay inside. We had amazing turkey sandwiches at Outpost Farms. We went for a walk and then went to JJ's for awesome ice cream.

4. Since the Eldest had a dentist appointment and her dentist office is next to Five Guys, we had Five Guys hamburgers for dinner. I love it when a plan comes together

5. I got to the hair salon before the heavens opened up. The storm was done just as the stylist finished up.

How was your week?


  1. All your ducks lined up so nicely for you. I don't even get down on the floor any more - tempting Providence.

  2. Sounds like a pretty "perfect" week!
    Mine sped by too fast, way too fast.
    Nice chats, yesterday great beer, warm weather, work and fun - makes 5 :-)

  3. Nice week CJ. I had my allergy shots this week; then I then I met the hubby for lunch out. And luckily I just finished my gardening when the skies opened up yesterday. The even better news is Maddie finally had blood sugar readings going down. They up her insulin again so hopefully she will have it under control soon-it's been almost 8 months of working on this. Sorry to go on so much. Didn't mean to. Hopefully we'll see some sun today-or do you have some already?

    1. Good news about Maddie. Himself is having an awful time with ragweed.

  4. Sounds like you had a beautiful week CJ! I have spent the week trying to get over being sick... uuughh... sinus ,congestion , tired, nausea whew.... on the upswing now though.. good thing... eldest granddaughter went to cheercamp this week and tonight we get to see the Hugs! deb

    1. Go, team, go! 📣That should be fun. i hope you're feeling better

  5. I don't think it matters HOW we get up off the floor but that we still CAN!!!!! 😂😂😂

  6. Yoga! Ditch the chiropractor and dive into the wonderful world of yoga :)

    I've quit going somewhere to get my hair cut and just take the scissors to it. But I don't go anywhere or need to look like anything, so I'm good lol
