Tuesday, August 6, 2024

T Stands for A Mug, Postcards, and Teas

 Back in June on our first trip to Ogunquit this year, Teague and I ate breakfast at The Egg and I, and I was quite taken with the mugs. At the time, it was too busy in the restaurant to ask if the mugs were for sale.

Last week, back in Ogunquit and since our motel was across the street from The Egg and I, we walked over for breakfast. While waiting to be seated, I asked if the mugs were for sale. They were! So after breakfast, I bought two, one for each of us to have as a souvenir.

When I got home from my trip

Lisca's second postcard for the 11th T Day Anniversary had arrived. Lisca wrote the picture is from Gaudix, a town near where she lives and where she frequently shops. She had recently been there with her son and his family. She said, "It was so hot that I enjoy looking at the snow in this card. (it was 40 oC or 104 oF.)

While it's been very hot and humid where I live, it hasn't been that hot. Though to some it might feel like it was that hot. I don't really complain about the heat and humidity. Winter lasts so long. Summer is flying by and Winter is coming.

For those who enjoy the stamps, this travel stamp with the little people with their luggage and backpacks must be the postcard rate. The Correos, the postal service of Spain, did a nice job with the postmark. The card was postmarked in Granada on the July 23. It took about a week to get here.  Impressive.

If arriving home to happy mail wasn't enough, in Monday's mail this envelope and notecard from Lisca. The notecard has a picture of a market and a vendor selling garlic bulbs. It reminds me of when I was little and we would go into Boston to visit my maternal grandmother. Sometimes, Ma would have Dad stop at Haymarket Square where there would be vendors selling fruits and vegetables.

Inside the notecard were 3 teabags. In her note Lisca explains, Pukka is an English brand that has many different herbal teas. The Lord Nelson is from the European supermarket Lidl and it is a sleepy-time tea of chamomile, fennel, and valerian.

The third teabag is called Sex on the Beach and is a cold-brew tea. It immediately got dunked in cold water so I can try it after dinner while relaxing in the sunroom. 

Then because the first postcard I received had a slight mishap in Lisca's bag when her water bottle leaked (though it wasn't damaged), she sent this magnificent postcard of a toreador. Just look at those roses! 

Thank you, Lisca, for being my T Day Anniversary partner.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.


  1. The stamp is so attractive, and so is the toreador.

  2. I'm glad you could get that mug. It's a good one and very night and cheery for your morning coffee or tea. And those are fun postcards too, especially the second one. grin. Rain today I think. We had a big thunderstorm last night and lost power until 12:30 this morning. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

    1. It was pouring this morning and then there was a lull. Now it's pouring again. If we had thunderstorms last night, I slept right through them. At least you have electricity for morning coffee.

  3. Mugs are my downfall. I can’t fit them all on the shelf for the ones I use, but have another very high shelf full of the overflow. I try not to buy new ones. Yours looks great, and too tempting.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Himself says I have too many mugs. Today's project is to try to organize them better

  4. Thanks for the smiles - olé! The Egg is a great choice and I love your new mugs - perfect and most egg-cellent ... ha, ha 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Roses? What roses??????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Love the mug... and... the "roses" of course - to happy mail and have a great T-Day!

  7. I'm a collector of mugs too and that's an eggs-cellent one to have! Happy T day! ((Lyn))

    1. Yellow isn't a color I gravitate towards, but I was just taken with the mug. shape, color, and graphics

  8. Nice you got that egg mug. I know it has special meaning. And I also like the roses,. but I'm more fond of the build. Thanks for sharing Lisca's postcards, stamps, and your mug with us for T this Tuesday. Sorry I'm late visiting. Went to vote and stood in line for the first time ever. Then went to vet for medicine for Squiggles.

  9. Glad you liked the 'roses'.
    I'm really late in commenting as Blogger had another 'episode'. I couldn't get into people's blogs to comment on them. Normally I just click on their name and it takes me to the blogpost. Not these past days. Very frustrating.
    Your egg mug is lovely.
    No the postage stamp with the letter C in the corner indicates it's to go outside of Europe. A 'B' in the corner is for countries in Europe and an A is domestic. This particular stamp is all about tourism which is one of the main industries of Spain.
    Have you tried Sex On The Beach yet?

    1. I loved the roses, so beautifully formed. Thanks for the explanation of the letter designation for stamps. Yes, I tried Sex on the Beach. I was so excited to try it that I didn't take any pictures of it. Lovely color and delicious iced. It's been so hot and humid so far July and August, that tea was a perfect thirst quencher.

  10. I miss New England! I remember Haymarket. Those vendors would yell at you if you touch their produce! Is the market still around? I was surprised and sad to see the flower shop that anchored the front of Faneuil Hall gone (10 or more years ago).

    Have a good weekend!

    1. The Faneuil Hall and Haymarket areas of Boston have changed. Rents are high so the shops come and go. The fruit and vegetable sellers are still there, but only on Fridays and Saturdays year round except for Christmas Day
