Sunday, August 11, 2024

How Does Your Garden Grow?

After the heavy rain, the sky had a weird light

and color

Here they come!

There they go. The poults (baby turkeys) got big!

The squirrel entertaining us with acrobatics

July and August have felt so tropical, I put out the flamingo welcome flag

Waiting for me when I got home from Ogunquit was the birthday gift Himself assembled while I was away. It's a wishing well to cover the well cap

Faded hydrangeas still looking good

Giant tomatoes

The squirrel has been enjoying

the sunflowers

A little watermelon!

The sedum has gotten quite large

"The corn is as high as an elephant's eye. 
An' it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky." 
"Oh What A Beautiful Morning" from Oklahoma

And one ear of corn.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Your tomatoes are huge! How nice to be able to grow water melons - one of my favourite fruits.

    1. I was surprised the watermelon took. Only the one that I could see so far.

  2. I love the wishing well. My little balcony garden is doing well in spite of the heat and rain! Hugs!

  3. Your garden looks great! :)
    (One ear of corn? Did you pollinate it? I think I remember my grandfather hand pollinating corn unless you have multiple rows that the wind can pollinate for you.)

    1. I don't think he had enough. I seem to remember when the girlies were little and he planted corn then, Prissy told him he needed 4 x 4 row in order for the corn to be pollinated. We did get 4 ears out of that batch

  4. oh em cod, that wishing well is the BEST ! :) things here for the most part are fried and dried....but....thatz life in TT for foliage and veggeez !! ♥

    1. We've had so much rain. I've never seen the grass so green at this time of the year before.

  5. Everything looks so NICE! And yes, the sky did look strange, like a light purplish color?

  6. Replies
    1. There are herds of turkeys all over town. They will be holding up traffic as they decide to cross the roads

  7. That is a weird colored sky. And those turkeys. We were going to the dump today and a rafter about that big of turkeys took their sweet time crossing the road. Hope you enjoyed the day!

  8. looking good! I envy anyone with a garden. I'm not complaining - i do love my dirt yard but the amount of work to keep it up to fire safety rules and laws is a ton of work. We are surrounded by incense cedar trees who love to drop things every season - half the time it's seed helicopter thingies and other seaons its pine needles and then the little straw type needles and such ...constantly all over the place. We literally now have bagged up 40 bags of organic stuff . The county got a grant to actually send someone around for up to 20 bags a month to take them free to the dump. We have the next 20 we put out on the 14th and the next time will be in September and then it's over for the year. You get a hefty fine if your property is not cleared good enough.

    1. It's good that the county is helping out by taking the bags.

  9. Your gardens look good, and what a fantastic gift to come home to! (Speaking of critters, the woodchuck came out after I had mowed.)

    1. We had one, Woody, that lived here several years ago. I haven't seen him in a long, long time. I hope he didn't become coyote chow

  10. Love that wishing well. And I love your hydrangeas. Lucky you. My herbs are doing OK, but the front of my flower bed is looking pretty sad.

    1. A lot of the garden is looking a little tired from all the heat and rain. The zucchini hasn't done as well as it usually does
