Sunday, December 12, 2021

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Bunny tracks in the snow or an astonished face? The astonished face is mine.

Sunrise over the back tundra

The flamingo tries to run away from the snow. Hey, Pinkie! You're running the wrong way. Turn around. South is behind you, and wait for me!

Dedo shivering in the cold.

Two days after the storm and there's still some snow on the ground.

190 days until the First Day of Summer.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Love the bunny tracks, and the face. No snow here, but today it's a tad warmer. Have a great Sunday, Valerie

    1. Warmer today and a warm up this week. Temps in the 40s and 50s!

  2. Ugh. I thought they were deer tracks, actually.

    1. I don't think the deer would get that close to the house. The bunnies must have a hole to their warren under the sun room. I've seen a bunny or two warming themselves by the air circulator from the basement.

  3. The dogs were barking at something the other night and I hoped it wasn't a bear (I would think they should be hibernating by now) since my bird feeders are left out now. But I found tracks the next day and they looked like raccoon tracks. I think they've been around before, and that would explain why the suet feeder disappeared awhile back. I like your bunny tracks, and glad to see the snow is just about gone. Us too. Do you have this wind today? Enjoy the warm up for a few days. I hope it really happens. Hugs-Erika

    1. There's a bit of a wind, but not as strong as it was yesterday. Last night it was really howling around the eaves. Sun, 50s, and no snow. I could take a Winter like that.

  4. We haven't had snow yet and we have had unseasonably warm weather, too. Those bunny tracks are so cute. Sorry you had snow, but summer will be here before you know it. We HAVE had wind, though. Knocked my porch peacock chairs over.

    1. I saw a dark brown bunny sitting under the air circulator from the basement to stay warm. By the time I got my camera,the bunny was gone.
