Thursday, January 31, 2019

Throwback Thursday - The Notebooks

To clear up some confusion, the Notebook passages posted on Throwback Thursday were written by my father and found by me after he passed away. They were his attempt to tell the family history. He was in his late 80s or early 90s when he wrote them. Today's chapter:
By File created by Tony Ahn. Original photographer unknown - Photograph on display in Manila Hotel archives., Public Domain,

The war was still going on and when we got to Manila the Japanese were being pushed back to the Summer capital. And although it was coming to an ending , they were still fighting back.

When I was off duty I would go into other parts of the city. The old walled city had come down. It was the last stand the Japanese made in Manila.

On July 5, 1945 our troops liberated the Philippine Island. And shortly after that there was a big celebration. MacArthur besides landing at Leyte Island also jumped off to the island of Luzon and went on the radio and announced to the Philippinos that he had returned and for them to come to him. The islands are tropical and a number of their army had taken off to the jungles when the Japanese took charge. And kept them busy with small attacks and also waiting for MacArthur to come back.

I was able to to watch the General come and go. He kept business hours. He would leave in the morning, come back for lunch, and when he was due to arrived his wife would wait in the front door for him. The staff inside would tell us that she would see the Caddy and she would say The Gineral is coming. We would call him the Northern way as spelled in the dictionary. She used the Southern pronunciation. And she was a gracious, Southern lady. As the General was about she would fling the house door open and fly down the stair and midway he would catch her and they would hug and kiss. She was a lot younger than he was and their feeling for each other was no act. They loved each other. When ever I saw her flying down to meet him she would be in his arms and I was amazed that she didn't knock him down the steps or both fall down.

After lunch he would leave for headquarters and the same thing would happen.

The child was spoiled and some one must have put him up to it because his answer to what do you want to be he said, "My grandfather was a General and my father is a bigger General, and I got to do better and be a President. I never heard anything about the boy after WWII.

The General's wife gave a dance for us and she had some wonderful looking Phillipino girls attend. All from the well to do level of the community. The Islands were and are from a recent talk with a woman who goes there three times a year. She is a social worker. She said that the country loves MacArthur but it's the rich people that have everything. The poor are kept poor.

I could see this during my post in the Philippines at the dance. The young ladies were escorted by a member of the family or in most cases by and aunt. They kept their eyes on their young lady. Some of the men who tried to dance the girls outdoors were foiled. The aunt would be at the door with a nice smile and prevent the dancers from going outdoors.These people were relations whose husband died or they were poor relations.

They also had servants and the pay was as minimal as possible. I happened to open a conversation with a woman and in our conversation she mentioned that she would be leaving to go to the Philippines. She was a medical worker. Goes three times a year. I said that I was there in WWII. She said that the people are still in poor condition. Nothing has improved. I asked her if the steel chruch was still there. She said she never heard of it. She will look it up. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

T Stands for Outlander

For the past four seasons, my friend, Red, has invited me over to watch Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series on Starz as we don't have that channel in our cable lineup. The program aired on Saturday night and then was switched to Sunday.

This season, BBC America decided to air Doctor Who in the same time slot as Outlander. Such first world problems trying to decide what to watch. Since Sunday night is the night I usually Skype and watch programs with the Eldest, going over to Red's was out.

Instead, Red invited me over on Tuesday nights to watch the show. She's been taping the episodes. Her husband bowls on Tuesday nights so we can have a girls' night catching up on doings, gossip, the show all while sipping a cup of tea and not disturbing him.

I got behind several episodes due to Red and her husband being sick, me in Pennsylvania for Christmas, New Year's Eve, and meetings. With all that over with,  I was able to go over and catch up on missed episodes. And you know what I found out? Red hasn't been watching the episodes without me. She waited until I was able to go over so we could watch the show together. Isn't she a good friend?

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Head's Up

On January 27, 2019, first class postage rates in the  U.S. increased from 50 cents per ounce to 55 cents per ounce. Hopefully, you stocked up on Forever stamps before the rate increase.

You can see the new USPS Postage Rates and Prices

Sunday, January 27, 2019

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Frigid temperatures to start the week

didn't stop the snowbirds from visiting the bird feeder.

The solar fairy lights in the Japanese maple that haven't worked in forever decided to flash 

The temperature warmed up

balmy temperatures and light rain

turned into heavy rains. The snowy backyard became a slushy lake that emptied into the basement when the sump pump couldn't keep up with the amount of water melting and coming down from the sky.  We waded out and Himself set up another pump outside in a dry well by the garage window. It helped.

The temperature has dropped and everything is frozen again.

The next project is to see if we can solve the wet basement problem once and for all without using a match and an accelerant. 

How does your garden grow?

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

Today, a double feature:

Father of the Bride (1950), Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor

and the story continues

Father's Little Dividend (1951), Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor

Father of the Bride doesn't seem to be available to view, but Father's Little Dividend is available on Amazon Prime and free on

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things

Picture taken sometime between 1908 - 1910
Five good things that happened this week.

1. Had a nice long chat with my cousin making plans to see each other when the weather improves as we missed our annual Summer lunch.

2. We didn't lose electricity during the storm.

3. Himself wasn't using an Intuos pen tablet so now it's mine. Besides drawing with it, I can "mouse" with my left hand.

4. I won a postcard in a raffle from a blog buddy.

5. My cousin sent me a photo of his grandparents. Another piece of my genealogy puzzle. I got to "meet" my great-aunt Angelina and her husband, great-uncle Manny, the stone cutter.

How was your week?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Throwback Thursday - The Notebooks

To clear up some confusion, the Notebook passages posted on Throwback Thursday were written by my father and found by me after he passed away. They were his attempt to tell the family history. He was in his late 80s or early 90s when he wrote them. Today's chapter:

Everything was going along well. I was on deck and went to sleep. How long I don't know. I awoke and coming out of sleep I wondered why the wave was over my head. And then it went down and the prow was down as well. I came to and notice that we were in a good one. And sailors came in the area and ordered every one down below deck. We did and they closed the deck and put a cover over it to keep any water that washed aboard.

Down in the hold we kept hearing something hit the side of the ship. We could hear it roll to the other side with a bang. It was whatever was rolling on the lower deck a heavy piece of something.

We all worried about that especially since we were locked in. It seemed like it lasted an eternity, but soon the ship began sailing smooth and the sailors opened up the deck exit and we were on the deck once more in the sun. We had been caught in the tail end of a huge sea storm.

In warm areas things happen fast. In due course land was sighted and we were told that we would be on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The capital was located here. Manila and once we got ashore and into the city it was a mess. Rubble all over the place. The Japanese were kicked out. Except for those who were in hiding the rest were being pushed back to the Summer capital.

Yet thing in our area were still to be alert. And was the case in a number of countries. There were citizens who were in favor of the Japanese.

We waited and in due course trucks came onto the beach, we got in and off we went. We rode through a part of the city and it was a mess. The Japanese blew up most of the public buildings. Part of the city hall, the Senate building and other public buildings. We arrived at our destination at dusk. There were other soldiers in this area, and we noted that the houses in this area had been evacuated and in asking the G.I.s there what we were getting into. They refused to answer. We went into the barracks and picked our beds. And then went back outside with our rifles. And we were going to go on guard duty. I marched my detail along a street of nice looking houses even in the dark. And as we marched along those who were on sentry duty  we relieved them and posted our detail at each post. Asking what we were into. No one there answered.

When we had relieved everyone leaving one of our sentry in position I marched back to where I started. Four hours later I took a new detail and picked up each sentry at that post left a fresh one and marched back to our area. The duty was 4 hours on and 8 hours off.

On the morning detail and I posted one of my detail and picked up the other. I finally got to a fancy looking place on a street a nice design fence went all around the house as it was on a corner with gates on both sides. The front gate was wider. Nicely landscaped on a couple of acres of land. Swimming pool over one side and sectioned which sections being level and one step below the top all the way to a barn at its end. I was about to post my man when the side gate opened a a nice Cadillac came in. The front plate had 5 stars  and an American flag on one side and Filipino on the other. No need to tell me who would be riding in it. And as soon as the vehicle stopped , the house door opened and out stepped the Commander in Chief South Pacific, General Douglas MacArthurs. [ed: Dad's hero] Returned our salute and said Good morning.. And off he went. When he got in the car the driver holding the door open for him.

We also saw that he had his wife and child with him. The Generals had the option of having their families with them. He was the only one that exercised that option.

Every morning he would, and early, go into his son's room, wake him up and he would play with his child. They made some noise and when he felt that it was time for him to get ready he would put his hand in his bathrobe pocket and pull out a little toy for his son. The kid would run out of the room and going down the hallway shout Mommy look what Poppy gave me! It was said that anyone who visited at the office or invited to the house, he would ask them to see if they could find a small toy for his son. Or as he called him, Little Arthur.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

T Stands for New Keurig Machine

The Keurig coffee  machine is a love or hate thing. Like coconut. Either you love it or hate it. Since Himself and I don't drink coffee, and I've been told I make horrendous coffee, I find the set up convenient.

I had mentioned the Eldest left behind her gargantuan Keurig machine when she moved. It took up so much space on the counter and the water reservoir was hard to clean. I was so happy after Christmas when I saw an ad for the Keurig mini. It's only 5 inches in width. So I ran out and picked one up at Target. The old machine has been donated to charity where I'm sure someone will gladly appreciate it and get lots of use out of it.

I like having the Keurig pods on hand when coffee drinkers come to visit. Easy enough to run out and pick up a pack of pods for company, and left over pods can go home with them or mailed to the Eldest.

I've been using it to brew my tea. too.  No, I don't bother buying the tea pods. I just put a tea bag in the cup, fill the water reservoir, and presto Earl Grey Hot or whatever tea blend I fancy. I used to nuke a cup of water in the microwave, but it always left foam in the tea. No foam with the Keurig.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, January 21, 2019

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The tail end of the storm and happily, the mailbox survived.

We had snow and sleet which didn't change to freezing rain and up to a half inch of ice. The ice would have meant power failures.

Though we got a good 6 inches of snow, I don't think the storm was the blockbuster the weather dudes were hoping for predicted. (I'm not complaining)  Either that or the Power Company Guys were bound and determined to keep the electricity on so they could watch the Patriots (local football team) play a game that would determine if the team would be going to the Super Bowl. (They are.)

Sunday night was supposed to be a Super Blood Wolf Moon. I went out to take a look, I don't think the eclipse had started and I can't seem to take a good picture of the moon with my iPhone 6 camera. There's the bright spot of the moon and then some sort of reflection/refraction making my pic look like an alien scene. It was too cold to stand outside to watch.

This morning's temperature is BRRRRRRRR with windchill making it feel even more BRRRRRRRR

Jack Frost painted some snowflake patterns that look like the trees have been covered with snow.

The birds were at the feeder during the storm. They will have to wait a couple of days when the weather is supposed to warm up for me to shovel a path to the feeder to refill it.

We hired a young couple to snowblow the driveway and shovel the front walk.  They also cleaned an area by the mailbox for trash pick up

And a patch was shoveled from the front walk right down to the mailbox.

With the driveway cleared, we can get out if we want to. It's too cold today. We don't want to. 

Die Frau says the weather will by dry today. Der Herr hasn't come out of the house in a long time. I don't know if the catgut string they ride on is frozen or it's just too dry. The weather house measures relative humidity. This morning the humidity was 61%. Either way, I'm with dem Herr and will stay inside today.

As Jack Chase, the Boston newscaster when I was a kid, used to sign off his broadcast with, Make it a good day.

How does your garden grow?

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Storm Prep

The storm that dumped heavy rains on the West Coast and heavy snow across the middle of the country, is making it's way to the East Coast. We had done some shopping earlier in the week so we were all set for supplies. Himself went to run an errand so I tagged along to pick up some milk.

Saturday, 19. January sunrise.

Along with some heavy snow, this storm brings the threat of sleet, freezing rain, and ice. My worry is losing electricity. Because we have our own well, when we lose electricity, we also lose water. No electricity to run the pump so not being able to flush the toilet. On Friday, I filled my water buckets so we would have water to pour into the toilet tank to flush. I also placed a lantern on the vanity so we can find the bathroom.

I did some baking. Not Keto, but gluten and sugar free. I used Pamela's Pancake and Baking Mix to make a quick bread and some chocolate chip cookies. For the chocolate chips, I chopped up a bar of Lily's Milk Chocolate which is sweetened with Stevia. The bar has a total of 10 Net Carbs, so is an acceptable Keto treat.

Other supplies: another lantern for the kitchen. Peanut butter and tuna fish went on sale so we bought a ton for food that doesn't require cooking. The can opener so we can find it. The grey and green felt pouch holds the LePow Moonstone a portable charger for the phones and iPad. There are enough Lily's chocolate bars in assorted flavors (I only like the milk chocolate. The others are dark chocolate which I find too bitter, but Himself likes the dark. MiniMoos, half and half creamers that don't need refrigeration. Though I don't have a way of heating water for tea.

I moved the garden flag into the front porch.

Filled the bird feeder with the fruit and nut blend. I haven't seen many birds around and/or they don't like the cheap millet seed I had picked up for Timex and decided to put in the feeder. Sometimes the birds flock to the feeder during really bad weather.

Hard to believe a storm was coming. Though it was very cold, the skies were blue and sunny.

My car in the middle of the driveway in storm position with the windshield wipers raised. If we do get the ice storm, the wiper blades won't be frozen to the windshield. In the background by the stair rails you can see the post lantern that got blown over. I tried to lift it, but it was frozen to the ground. Hopefully, it will survive the heavy, wet snow and ice.

I baked some Keto hamburger buns. Himself doesn't mind putting things like chicken or tuna in a salad, or eating peanut butter on celery sticks. Me, I need bread or a bread like substance.

The errand Himself ran was to buy a little red wagon. Radio Flyer doesn't make the nice metal wagons we had as a kid and Grandpa bought for the girlies. Their wagon is long gone. He ended up with this canvas thing, but sufficient to help him roll the battery backups around. We were hoping one unit would power the microwave, but it wasn't strong enough. It does however work to power his CPAP machine. He can't sleep without it.

There's another wagon in the garage with the backup which will hopefully keep the sump pump humming.

We've done about all we could do to prepare for the storm. Now just have to watch the milky white sky and wait for the snow and Monday to find out if this storm was the blockbuster as predicted or just bust.

I hope all those in the path of the storm, ride through it safe and warm.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday Afternoon at the Movies

This idea came from a Facebook meme:
Over 10 days, post your 10 all time favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:me favorite films. What movie has really made an impact on you or what films can you watch over and over and never tire of? Post either the movie poster, DVD cover or even a screenshot on your timeline. No need to explain.

Only I had a hard time picking out just 10 movies so my favorites over the next few hundred Saturdays 😸 in semi-alphabetical order:

Father Goose (1964), Cary Grant, Leslie Caron

You can rent this movie from YouTube.

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Friday Five Good Things

Five good things that happened this week.

1. The Brother, his Wife, The Nephew, his Wife, and their sweet Baby Girl came for a visit.  I made Ma's pizzelle and anise cookie recipes sugar and gluten free. They were a big hit.

2. After a 2 hour delay at the airport in Ohio, the Young One finally made it home by 11:30 PM. Even better, glad she took the door to door shuttle home so Himself didn't have to drive around the airport for hours as she didn't know about the flight delay until the last minute.

3. Went to Red's for tea and an episode of Outlander

4. The QuickZip Sheets arrived. Hopefully no more sheets popping off the bed when the bed is raised to watch TV.

5. Had very long lunch with a West Coast calligraphy buddy who is visiting her parents. Good times catching up.

How was your week?

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Throwback Thursday - The Notebooks

To clear up some confusion, the Notebook passages posted on Throwback Thursday were written by my father and found by me after he passed away. They were his attempt to tell the family history. He was in his late 80s or early 90s when he wrote them. Today's chapter:

How long we were in New Guinea has gone from my mind. But things were changing. The Australian Government, declared a period of celebration for day for the natives. The brought a load of pigs for roasting, bully beef, and other things. The men only got into their dancing outfits and danced on and off for three days. Their drums banging away. 

It was a colorful event. Their home-made costumes and head decoration was something to see. We were told to stay a good distance from them. It was a native celebration. They danced. When they were tired they sat with their women. And ate and when they felt rested they would go and dance again.

The natives had their own police force run by the Australians. They had shorts with stripes, military shirts and small fire arms. All trained and under the control of Australian officers.

This was one sign that the island was cleaned of Japanese. And we began to hear the natives communicate with others. With drums. The drums would bang away in one area and then stop. And the response would come from a different area.

About a week later the words were going out that we would be sailing again. Sarli came about and as usual he had his men and women with him. He had his wives with him there were five of them. And they were docile. The guys were saying he must have had it made. Five in one night. I said I don't think it works that way. It's one a night. And if one says she can't because it's her monthly problem or she's got a headache or what passes for that, with that many wives it would not bother him. He can always say next.

The word went out. When we fell to one morning we were told to take down our huts and stack the metal sheets and lumber, cots, etc. for shipping. We were going sailing again. We were told that we were going to the Philippine Islands.

A couple of days later we put everything on trucks and they took off. The next day we left our area, with our bags and rifle and personal things and driven to the ship and boarded by the numbers to make sure as usual that everyone was accounted form Another convoy. And we sailed along. This was a liberty ship, a trooper. We also had Australians aboard. And they were comic as they joked about their outfits, army etc. 

It had two holds the cargo and the top hold which was also for cargo. Only in this case we were the  cargo and our sleeping quarters was on the deck floor.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

T Stands for Advent Calendar Puzzle

Just as I thought. Just like Ralphie from A Christmas Story, his Little Orphan Annie secret decoder ring was used to decipher a secret message from the radio show sponsor, Ovaltine.  The back of the Advent Tea Calendar was a puzzle and advertisement for The English Tea Shop.

Drop by hosts, Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog to find out what the rest of the T Stands For gang is up to. If you want to play, include in your Tuesday post a beverage or container for a beverage. Don't forget to link your blog to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's page.

Monday, January 14, 2019

First Mailed

There's a Scottish tradition on Hogmanay or New Year's Eve called First Footing. “First footing” (or the “first foot” in the house after midnight) is still common across Scotland. To ensure good luck for the house the first foot should be a dark male, and he should bring with him symbolic pieces of coal, shortbread, salt, black bun and a wee dram of whisky. The dark male bit is believed to be a throwback to the Viking days, when a big blonde stranger arriving on your door step with a big axe meant big trouble, and probably not a very happy New Year!" excerpt from The History of Hogmanay

We weren't first footed on New Year's Eve even though I always try to get Himself to first foot us as he's tall and dark., but we were First Mailed. The first piece of mail I got to ring in the New Year was a lovely New Year card printed on her Letterpress by my friend, Tiggy, from Scotland. In her note she wrote: As you can see I have been playing Letterpress - 36 pt. Garamond I had found plus 36 pt. Versals.

"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose."

Thank you, dear Tiggy, you helped start off my year on a happy note. Always nice to get a card in the mail instead of a bill. =^,.^=

Sunday, January 13, 2019

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Up near the woods, I found evidence of a visitor. A deer, maybe?

Earlier in the week a dusting of snow.

One of the bunnies ventured out for breakfast. Can Spring be far behind?

One of the bird friends huddles in the feeder

Brrrrr, but no snow like that in the picture. No complaints from me.

How does your garden grow?