Sunday, September 25, 2022

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Clematis. I hope they survive the Winter.

Calli wants to play with her bunny friend

Mrs. K, can Calli come out to play?

Leaves starting to fall

and to turn color



still hanging


Blustery winds and rain didn't take the weathergram away

Another week for this garden flag

The Watcher


  1. All your flowers are still looking lovely! I have my SunFlowers that line the driveway.. by happenstance that are really looking beautiful... I can't help but wonder what others think , that pass by.. That i have let weeds grow.. lol I had a beautiful one come up in the ditch that runs in front of my house.. Never gave it a drop of water or a trim.. And i noticed the other day that when they put in our new stop signs (i live on a corner) someone knocked and stomped it flat.. sigh... Hugs! deb

    1. Weeds are just flowers that aren't popular. Too bad about the flower in the ditch.

  2. These transitions are always a bit wonky. Summer to fall, winter to spring. You notice the big difference in daylight and sometimes weather. But sometimes summer sticks around, or winter sticks around. Summer flowers and the start of fall leaves. Your yard is still looking great CJ. That rain we had was so needed and it's nice to see the lawns greening up a bit, isn't it? Happy Sunday!

    1. With all the rain, the day after the lawn guy was here, the lawn needs to be mown again. 😸

  3. I enjoy the weekly stroll through your garden! Thanks for sharing! 😊

  4. Your gardem still looks really good. Mine is non-existant just now! Valerie

    1. I think the renewal is due to all the rain we've had after a Summer of drought

  5. What a regal pose! Cats have presence, don't they :)

  6. Wow, so many beautiful flowers! Loving your clematis, those purple blooms look stunning 😊. So nice to see Calli and Quill too! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  7. Cali and the bunnie, the Watcher, changing leaves - all is so interesting.

  8. I'm playing catch up. Can't believe how far behind I have gotten.

    Mrs. K, Calli is as far out as she is allowed (grin). They are both safe in their own spaces. So is the Watcher.

    Love that colorful flag. I know a new one is just around the corner, though.

    Your garden is far more colorful than mine, that's for sure.

    1. I'm surprised how many flowers are still hanging on.
